The EggsCargoSystem, which is co-owned by Twinpack Special Products and Giordano Poultry Plast, is already at the market for over 17 years. The first customer supplies of both the standard and jumbo trays are still in use. This proofs the EggsCargoSystem trays are extremely sustainable.
Although the customers of the EggsCargoSystem acknowledge the outstanding sustainability of the trays, Twinpack and Giordano have been able to improve them even more. The 3 improvements are:
Firstly, edges of the board have been extended, preventing splitting of the plastic at critical positions.
Secondly, the edges of the trays have been improved by adding more plastic material. This prevents splitting of the material at this point after long time use.
The third improvement concerns the nocks at the gripper side. They have been improved to grant perfect nesting and de-nesting. These improved trays can effortless be used with the existing trays.