IPPE 2023 – International Production & Processing Expo


IPPE is the world’s largest annual display of technology, equipment, supplies, and services used in the production and processing of eggs, meat, and poultry and those involved in feed manufacturing. In 2023, IPPE will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. The show dates will be Jan. 24-26, 2023.


Aviagen® looks forward to welcoming customers and visitors to our booth B4239 at IPPE 2023! We will feature our show theme of “Breeding for welfare and sustainability,” as well as our broad portfolio of poultry breeding stock.

Our goal is to strengthen customer success in feeding the world, while helping to preserve our planet for future generations. We contribute to this mission through continuous improvement in feed efficiency. This contribution serves to decrease the cost of poultry production, while lowering the CO2 footprint of the global poultry industry. See our CO2 reduction contribution video and interactive sustainability presentation, which visualize our “breeding for sustainability” approach. We’ll see you at the show!  For more information, please visit Aviagen.com, or follow Aviagen on LinkedIn.

Video: CO2 reduction

Web:  www.aviagen.comEmail: info@aviagen.com

Booth B4239 


The family-owned company Biochem, a manufacturer of additives for animal nutrition, based in Lohne, Germany, with one of its offices in São Paulo to serve the Latin American market, will be present at IPPE.

Biochem will take the opportunity to present the launch of its new early nutrition concept for the promotion of intestinal health through early colonisation with the products Biosol and Hachtgel for hatchery and farm use, and TechnoSpore in feed. In addition, its solutions to improve respiratory health in poultry with products such as Bronchovest.
Easy application and excellent results make Biochem additives the best choice for animal nutrition.

Video: TechnoSpore®

Web: www.biochem.net 

Booth B8266


MagFan – a high pressure version!

The efficiency of the MagFan is undeniable. MagFan holds the record as the best ever tested fan at Bess Labs, University of Illinois. MagFan offer unrivaled performance and efficiency and in real life operations over the last 9 years the MagFan has proven to be very reliable, durable and highly efficient. Tests show up to 75% reduction in electrical consumption compared to traditional on/off fans.

We have made a new version of the MagFan and we just got home from testing at Bess Labs. We have named the new member of the family MagFan5. The reason is it comes with an all new five-blade impeller and as you can see then we moved our boundaries even further!

34000 cfm @ 0.4” WC
57800 m³/h @ 100 Pa
AFR: 0.91
Bess # 22572

Web: www.dacs.dkEmail: mail@dacs.dk

Booth B5647 


DSM Animal Nutrition and Health has recently launched three offerings aimed at helping poultry producers find the right solutions to meet their specific needs.DSM recently announced the release of its second-generation protease, ProAct 360, for poultry producers. ProAct 360 sets a new market standard in protease technology for poultry on three key fronts: feed efficiency, affordability and sustainability. ProAct 360 offers faster protein breakdown, higher digestibility of all amino acids and better degradation of antinutritional factors — leading to an improved feed conversion ratio and higher cost savings. Learn more. 

DSM has recently released the update of its OVN Optimum Vitamin Nutrition® guidelines to deliver more sustainable animal production practices. OVN Optimum Vitamin Nutrition® guidelines help producers improve animal health and welfare by providing animals with high-quality vitamins in the optimal amount. Learn more and view the latest guidelines here.

Web: www.dsm.com

Booth B7839


Giordano Poultry Plast  and its parent company GI OVO will exhibit at IPPE 2023 in Atlanta. During the show it will be possible to see the widest GPP range covering every stage of production: incubation, rearing, transport and slaughtering. And also the different GI-OVO versions of the EggsCargoSystem® with a focus on the duck industry.

The company’s entire development has always been based on a few fixed points, which have not changed much over the past 60 years. Two guidelines: research and innovation, to which the concept of environmental sustainability has been added in recent years.

Our companies, in fact, have constantly updated themselves with regard to the design of new products, in order to optimise zootechnical production, through the conception of new devices for rearing and transporting both animals and food products, such as eggs and slaughtered products.

Another major focus is on environmental sustainability. So much so that the Giordano Group has decided to draw up a detailed sustainability report, to demonstrate, on figures, how the company deals with the input and consumption of natural resources.

Video: GIORDANO POULTRY PLAST 60th Anniversary

Web: www.poultryplast.comEmail: info@poultryplast.com

Booth B5347


Hendrix-Genetics distributes parent stock and day-old chicks to layer hatcheries and egg producers across the entire America’s. We focus on serving the American egg markets with our dedicated team of technical poultry specialists, our high-quality egg laying chicken breeds (known as Dekalb, Shaver ISA, Babcock, Bovans, Hisex), and our world-class facilities. Delivering the best day-old chick quality lies at the core of our daily activities. Our technical poultry experts are eager to help you bringing your operations to the next level.As we are a global player in poultry genetics, we can offer our valued customers a global perspective, by sharing best practices and the latest insights on keeping laying hens. Email: 

Video: Hendrix Genetics Proven Product performance in Laying hens

Web: layinghens.hendrix-genetics.comEmail: layinghens@hendrix-genetics.com

Booth B4927


Hubbard Conventional and Premium
Your Choice, our Commitment!

The Hubbard Efficiency Plus female and the M77 and M99 males have proven to perfectly match the needs of the conventional broiler markets looking for the efficient production of hatching eggs and chicks, efficient broiler growth, low feed conversion, good conformation and uniformity.

Hubbard is the worldwide preferred choice for the speciality and slower growing chicken markets. The Hubbard Premium product range offers a large portfolio of products with colour differentiation, slow(er) growth and excellent robustness.

The Hubbard REDBRO, accredited for BCC and GAP, gives the best balance in terms of animal welfare, environment, and economics of any commercially available slower-growing breed.

Web: www.hubbardbreeders.comEmail: contact.americas@hubbardbreeders.com

Booth B4147


Marel at IPPE 2023

At IPPE 2023, Marel will showcase how some of the most forward-thinking solutions can unleash the full potential of poultry processing businesses. The challenges faced by poultry processors in the Americas drive Marel to develop automated, robotized and digitalized solutions. The aim is to improve raw material utilization, throughput and sustainability while decreasing labor dependency.

IPPE will see Marel’s American launch of the Nuova-i intelligent eviscerator. Optimum performance, highest hygiene and uniform, compact viscera packs are the results of the technological innovations in Marel’s Nuova-i. The eviscerator is easy to control, and self-adjusts all settings according to the recipe entered via the HMI display. Integrated SmartBase software provides real-time machine health insight.

Web: www.marel.com/en/poultryEmail: info.poultry@marel.com

Booth C13209


SmartVac™: the next generation of in-ovo vaccination and nutrition

We are delighted to invite you to visit us at the IPPE show (Hall B, Stand 3839), for a detailed view of our SmartVac™ vaccination and nutrition system. This new technology allows 100% safe, consistent and accurate in-ovo vaccination and nutrition. It delivers the injectables only into the amniotic fluid, thus preventing possible injury to the growing embryo.

SmartVac™ enables the poultry industry to apply a wide range of vaccines in-ovo, including Gumboro, Marek, ND and Coccidiosis vaccines. This is optionally performed in combination with nutritional components.

The Embryo Soft Touch® (EST®) sensor on the injector allows automatic and individual adaptation of the injection depth to each single embryo, regardless of egg and embryo size. 

Video: SmartVac™ – Next generation in-ovo vaccination and nutrition

Web: www.pasreform.comEmail: info@pasreform.com

Booth B3839


Visit VAL-CO at the 2023 IPPE in Hall B, Booth #B4821 to see our newest products, as well as some tried-and-true classics.

This year, we will be showcasing our solution to helping your farm with biosecurity – the Sentry Plus™ Vehicle Disinfectant Delivery System. We’re also featuring our new durable plastic hopper, which is lightweight and easy to connect. Also, be sure to check out our other proven products, including our newest additions to our turkey feeders as well as the advances we’ve made to our world-famous watering system, like the 2-wire anti-roost line to prevent perching on the lines & eliminating the need for shockers. We help you grow at VAL-CO. Visit us at IPPE, or at www.val-co.com.

Video: VAL-CO Sentry Plus™ Vehicle Disinfectant Delivery System

Web: val-co.comEmail: marcom@val-co.com

Booth B4821