Jamesway announces the appointment of Boutros (Pierre) al Asmar to Director of MEA Sales


Serving as part of the Jamesway sales force from 2003 to 2013, Pierre returned to Jamesway last November 2019 as Sales Manager for the Middle East and Africa. 

His commitment to his customers and his in-depth knowledge of the market and Jamesway equipment have made it evident that he will be well-positioned to become the Director of his area. This will also include involvement and management in the CIS countries. Pierre will be using his expertise and experience to assist the Jamesway sales team in creating new opportunities throughout these regions and ensuring that our existing customers continue to receive superior personal care. 

“We realize that Pierre is one of our strongest assets in our Team, and we lean very heavily on his expertise. We are very pleased to be offering our customers an expanded sales force with Pierre at the helm” says Jamesway Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Christian Jordan. 

For information:

+961 8180 4848