Pas Reform is 100-years young in 2019! In honour of this anniversary, on Friday November 8, the company received the predicate ‘Royal’ from the Commissioner of the King, Mr. John Berends. The title was awarded by His Majesty King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands.

Under strict historic rules, the predicate ‘Royal’ is only given to companies that have been in existence for more than 100 years and have a major influence on the industry sector they operate in. To qualify for the predicate, Pas Reform also had to demonstrate that it has achieved a significant business status within its region and that it is run to the highest possible standards.

The predicate was handed over during a celebratory gathering at Pas Reform’s distribution and training centre in Doetinchem, in the presence of more than 600 guests.
“We are honoured that His Majesty the King has awarded us the predicate ‘Royal’, ” says Harm Langen, Pas Reform’s CEO. “It is a crowning achievement after 100 years of entrepreneurship, and it’s intended for everyone who has contributed to the growth of this great company over the past century.”
It all started on January 9, 1919 in Zeddam, when Gerrit Pas built his first incubator – a simple wooden cupboard on legs, with petroleum-fired heating. Gerrit could not have foreseen in those very early days that a century later his family business would have grown into a leading global player in the field of hatchery technology – supporting customers in more than 100 countries with hatcheries capable of producing millions of healthy day-old chicks per week.
“Pas Reform has a very good starting position for further growth,” says Harm Langen. “We support our customers with a complete, sustainable and integrated product and service package. These innovative, data-driven solutions give the hatchery greater control over the hatching process.”
For more information about Pas Reform’s centenary see www.pasreform.com/100
About Pas Reform
Pas Reform is the world’s only single-source supplier of integrated hatchery solutions and has a presence in more than one hundred countries.
Since its founding in 1919, Pas Reform has expanded into an international company offering total solutions to the hatchery industry. Pas Reform is active in the following product groups:
- Industrial incubators for the production of uniform and robust day-old chicks;
- Hatchery automation systems for the efficient processing of hatching eggs and day-old chicks;
- Climate control equipment for sustainable and hygienic air and water treatment;
- Hatchery management software for monitoring, analyzing and optimizing the hatching process;
- Service and support for an efficient and reliable operation of integrated hatchery systems.
Pas Reform has extensive experience of providing advice regarding the design, installation and servicing of these product groups.
At the heart of the Company is the Pas Reform Academy which, in close co-operation with clients and universities, carries out research into the influence of the incubation process on chick embryo development. This specialist expertise is used to develop new, innovative products and services for the hatchery industry and to train and coach hatchery managers.
Pas Reform exports to more than 100 countries. Sales and service activities are carried out via the head office in Zeddam and a facility in the USA. Pas Reform also has its own sales offices in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East and South America, together with an extensive network of local partners and agents. The products are distributed all over the world from the logistics centres in Doetinchem (NL), Jacksonville (USA) and Rio Claro (BR). Pas Reform employs approximately 150 employees, who focus primarily on the development, sale, final assembly and service of the hatchery systems.