The 33rd edition of SPACE will be held from Tuesday 10 to Friday 13 September 2019 at Rennes Parc-Expo, in France.
SPACE is the key event that meets the expectations of livestock farmers across all sectors, including cattle, pig, sheep, goat and poultry farmers. It is the only event that is able to bring together so many diverse and complementary actors. Thanks to its location, its strong industry roots and its international reach, SPACE imposed itself as a leading global event for all professionals of animal production.
SPACE will offer:
- 1,450 exhibitors from 42 countries – 11 halls – 300 outdoor equipment exhibitors. Best represented sectors among exhibitors: animal feed and health, farm equipment, genetics, buildings, agrobiology, energy, etc.
- 15,000 professional visitors expected, including 15,000 international visitors from 128 countries.
- The dairy, beef and poultry sectors represent more than 10% of the European production respectively. More than 60% of the regional territory is devoted to agriculture.
- 46 products, equipment or services have been awarded this year by the label Innov’Space.
- Pie Rouge European Challenge, Salers National competition, 11 interregional competitions, multi-breed auction sales like no other in the world, presentations…
- Meetings and business place reserved for international visitors and exhibitors. Over 70 conferences and meetings are scheduled.
- 14 visits scheduled: poultry farms, dairy farms, goat farms with processing on the farm, fish feed manufacturing unit, salt marshes lamb etc.
The Innov’Space format allows exhibitors to promote their innovations presented for the first time in a French Salon. The innovations have been submitted for study to a multidisciplinary jury, which is independent (engineers of the Chambers of Agriculture, Technical Institutes, INRA, IRSTEA, INPI, veterinarians, breeders, journalists), and will examine them with great rigor, to assure visitors that products, labelled Innov’Space are real brand new on the market.
For information contact: www.space.fr
AB Vista presents new perspectives on the role of fibre and phytate in performance-enhancing strategies at SPACE 2019 – Stand D101, Hall 9 – www.abvista.com
AB Vista is committed to developing new nutritional applications based on scientific insight to help customers meet their individual production goals.
This is achieved through research, nutritional expertise and the ability to analyse nutritional factors – the combination of which is referred to as “feed intelligence”.
Increasing understanding of fibre is presenting a new perspective on the valuable role it can play in gut health and therefore, within performance-enhancing nutritional strategies, will be the focus for animal nutrition technology company, AB Vista, at SPACE 2019.
Understanding fibre has become a cornerstone in the latest research of the company, which has led to their latest innovation, Signis. Visitors to AB Vista’s booth D101 can find out about Signis, which accelerates the development of a fiber-degrading microbiome, enabling the fermentation of fiber sources that would otherwise remain undigested, improving the extent of fiber digestibility earlier in the monogastric life cycle.
AB Vista will also be showcasing the latest research behind a targeted enzyme application to optimise both phytate and NSP utilisation, in order to reduce the antinutritive effects of both substrates. The enzyme application strategy Maximum Matrix Nutrition delivers complete phytate destruction while reducing viscosity and increasing fibre fermentability. The net result is improved nutrient utilisation and a significant improvement in amino acids, minerals and energy, meaning diets can be formulated with higher nutrient credit, delivering considerable feed cost savings.
Having an in-depth knowledge of the variation of nutritional quality within an ingredient is key for feed manufacturers and producers in order to formulate a diet that meets the requirements of the animal and maximise profitability. This is where NIR technology comes into play, providing rapid and accurate predictions of the nutritional components of feed. This year at SPACE, AB Vista will run live NIR demonstrations at their booth.
AB Vista’s team will be available at Hall 9, stand D101 where an aperitif will be offered on Wednesday giving attendees the opportunity to discuss the latest company research.
For more information, contact: AB Vista on + +34 91 859 1787 or emea@abvista.com. Follow AB Vista on Twitter: @ABVista.
AGRITECH – Stand B03, Open Air Input Gate D next to Hall 7, Stand F130, Hall 10 – www.agritech.it
Agritech is an Italian company located in the district of Brescia, specialized in the processing of fiberglass and selling its products in more than 50 countries all over the world.
Agritech main products are silos aimed at the storage of both powdered and granular products, screw conveyors, truck tanks feed and other products for poultry equipment.
Fiberglass silos are characterized by extremely high constructive and qualitative standards certified UNI EN ISO 9001-2008 and Statik, that make them fit for satisfying the needs of different industrial sectors. Thanks to a 30-year-long cooperation with worldwide farmers, Agritech has constantly improved the design of its silos and has been able to introduce many other products such as a wide range of outdoor shelters for animals, thus satisfying the needs of the most demanding customers.
The particular dedication to export markets and the high quality standards of the products in all their details made Agritech grow in a significant and constant way.
For information contact: agritech@agritech.it
AVIAGEN features “commitment to global poultry industry” theme at SPACE 2019– Stand B26, Hall 10 – www.aviagen.com
Aviagen® looks forward to welcoming customers and industry colleagues to their stand at SPACE 2019.
With regional customer support teams on hand from France, the Middle East and Africa, Aviagen will continue to showcase its long-term commitment to the global poultry industry.
Aviagen is committed to helping customers meet varied market needs by offering diverse brands of broiler breeders, including Arbor Acres®, Indian River®, Ross® for conventional markets and the Rowan Range® for slower-growing and organic sectors.
We look forward to seeing you in Rennes!
For information contact: info@aviagen.com
AVIAGEN TURKEYS – Stand C61, Hall 10A – aviagenturkeys.com
Aviagen Turkeys will have representatives at SPACE 2019 promoting the current products of B.U.T. Premium and B.U.T. 6 with the opportunity to discuss current and future expected performance.
The company will take the opportunity to engage customers on the merits of the genomics programme, which increases selection accuracy and ensures that multi trait selection is focussed on achieving the breeding goals.
Aviagen Turkeys looks forward to a good week at the show.
For information contact: turkeysltd@aviagen.com
AZA INTERNATIONAL – Stand 2/3, Hall B19 – www.azainternational.it
At the Space show in Rennes, AZA INTERNATIONAL will display its new range of innovative and high performance linear trough feeders, feed pans and high capacity conveyors.
The company will focus its attention to those farmers’ breeding mixed cycles of broilers and turkeys typical in this area of France and in some African countries whom the new MIXTA feed pan has been conceived for. MIXTA is the best solution for farmers who are looking for a multi-purpose solution.
The BREEDAZA is a hi-speed linear trough feed distribution and rationing system particularly suitable for broiler-breeders, pullets and layers housed either in cages or on the floor. The system is nowadays working in France in several farms and farmers are appreciating its main features more and more. Compared to other systems, the BREEDAZA operates with a plastic disc chain that ensures a more rapid and even distribution of the feed along the whole line.
Another important innovation is the new range of high capacity conveyors available for tubing Ø 114 mm whose hourly capacity can reach 12 cubic metres/hour.
For information contact: info@azainternational.it
Resistant hybrids from BÁBOLNA TETRA – Stand A10, Hall 10 – www.babolnatetra.com
For more than 50 years Bábolna TETRA is providing resistant layer hybrids with balanced production and superior genetic background to the industry.
Thanks for consistent selection work and continuous investments on breeding infrastructure over the past decades along with an effective technical support, the company continues to promote the wide range of quality breeders and their hybrids, producing eggs with brown, white or creamy shell colour, and which hybrids are suitable for every market and management systems all over the world.
For information contact: info@babolnatetra.com
SPACE 2019: Big Dutchman presents innovative equipment and a new service concept – Stand E104, Hall 10 – www.bigdutchman.com
Big Dutchman will show an extensive product range for modern egg production and poultry growing in hall 10 of this year’s SPACE. A central topic on Big Dutchman’s stand: the presentation of the new service concept for all of France. Having taken over distribution partner Matavicol Industrie, the German poultry equipment supplier is strengthening the support services of its agents and distributors for the business units Egg and Poultry. “We want to react more quickly to our customers’ needs,” explains Managing Director Erik Crespo the focal point of the strategic reorientation.
For information contact: big@bigdutchman.de
COBB500™ proving its value to the French industry – Stand B40, Hall 10 – www.cobb-vantress.com
Growers and integrators seeking to increase their revenue should stop by the Cobb Europe SPACE 2019 booth.
Ask us about the Cobb500 and its strong gains in cost and feed efficiency. The bird is robust and shows great uniformity, while thriving on a lower density and cheaper ration. The Cobb500™ is a solid all-round broiler proving its value in the French market.
“France historically imports 51 percent of its standard chicken. Now that local production is favored, the Cobb500™ is the ideal choice for the market,” said Russell Jones, Cobb Europe commercial manager.
“Our friendly technical support experts work closely with our customers to help them maximize our broiler advantage and increase breeder efficiency.”
For information contact: info@cobb-europe.com
DACS: excellent climate solutions for livestock farming – Stand D79, Hall 10 – www.dacs.dk
DACS A/S will be present at SPACE with its wide range of efficient products. This year Espace for the Future main theme of SPACE will be “New climate practices and technologies“, in line with the company’s offer of modern and hi-tech equipment for all livestock farming.
If animal welfare, improved production data and a cut in energy consumption of up to 75% sound interesting to you, then come and meet us at SPACE and let us show you what we can do for you with our unique ventilation system.
For information please contact: mail@dacs.dk
DSM at SPACE 2019 – Stand B49, Hall 9 – www.dsm.com
SPACE, is a professional agricultural show for all livestock industry players: bovine, poultry, pig, rabbits, sheep, goat and fish farming sector. A complete offer in animal feed and nutrition, farm buildings, genetics, animal health, etc. with 1.400 exhibitors from 38 countries, it brings the attendees the latest technological innovations.
At DSM Animal Nutrition & Health, we care deeply sustainable nutrition and food security. And we know that sustainability calls for changes to meet the needs of the global population and the generations that will follow us.
DSM will be actively participating at this expo, showing the latest researches and innovative solutions developed for the Animal Nutrition and Health industry, with special focus on:
– ROVIMIX® beta-carotene, known for its antioxidant actions and its provitamin-A role, that has a well- documented positive impact on cow reproductive performance and immune status of calves.
– The appropriate selection of effective feed enzymes, RONOZYME® WX, RONOZYME® Multigrain and RONOZYME®VP, with effect on the different fiber sources present in all plant raw materials.
FACCO – Stand E100, Hall 10 – www.facco.net
Officine Facco with its 60 years of experience, offers tailored engineered, environmentally-friendly, completely integrated and made in Facco lines for cage free and alternative poultry systems solutions.
With its innovated products DECK, CASA, LIBERA PULLETS and FAMILY NEST, Facco responds to a wide range in the field of “Free” applications, realizing and enhancing plants with the highest performance and efficiency in the aviary farming sector, for the best business goals of its customers.For information
contact: communication@facco.net
GIORDANO POULTRY PLAST – Stand B20, Hall 10 – www.poultryplast.com
Giordano Poultry Plast (www.poultryplast.com), a leading multinational plastic moulding company, specialized in the production of poultry equipment, will be present at the upcoming edition of the professional exhibition: SPACE 2019, which will be held in Rennes, in collaboration of the important partner SARL JOSSE at his stand n. B20 – Hall 10.
Giordano Poultry Plast will introduce its new Automatic Drinking Lines. The system has been upgraded starting with the pipe that goes from rounded to square shape 28×28 mm. This will provide a better result, not only during the use but also for washing at the cycle end. Also the pipes were changed as all plastic accessories and nipple.
This new Automatic Drinking Line is easy to install. The system includes “Super Drop” for broiler, “Pendolo Line” for turkeys and duck (they will have different cups), completed by the already popular “Giro Line”, a combination of 2 drinking lines with only 1 metal support (mainly used in the French market).
For information contact: info@poultryplast.com
HENDRIX GENETICS – full force ahead – Stand B41, Hall 10 – www.hendrix-genetics.com
Our ever-increasing product portfolio is offering top genetics for protein producers in the world. Under the wings of Hendrix Genetics, all species are benefitting from our multi-species R&D and continuous investment in our breeding programs, our facilities and most important, our people. Through better breeding, we are able to contribute to a brighter life for consumers around the world.
For information contact: marcel.huijsmans@hendrix-genetics.com (Director Marketing & Communications)
HUBBARD Conventional and Premium; Your Choice, Our Commitment! – Stand C60, Hall 10 – www.hubbardbreeders.com
Hubbard introduces the Hubbard Efficiency Plus for the conventional broiler markets looking for the efficient production of hatching eggs and chicks, fast broiler growth, low feed conversion, good conformation and uniformity.
With the Hubbard Premium product range, Hubbard is worldwide choice for speciality markets and offers a large portfolio of products with colour differentiation, slow(er) growth and excellent robustness.
For information contact: contact.emea@hubbardbreeders.com
HY-LINE INTERNATIONAL – Stand B28, Hall 10 – www.hyline.com
Hy-Line Brown is the world’s most balanced brown egg layer. This hardy layer has unrivalled feed efficiency, the best interior egg quality in the market, superior egg colour, excellent livability and is fully feathered through the life of the bird. This makes the Hy-Line Brown the perfect balance, which means more profit for the poultry producer.
With the Hy-Line Brown, W-36, W-80, Silver Brown, Pink and Sonia, Hy-Line delivers accelerated genetic progress.
For further information contact: info@hyline.com
JANSEN POULTRY Equipment – Stand E111, Hall 10 – www.jpe.org
During SPACE 2019, Jansen Poultry Equipment presents various solutions to achieve maximum production of high quality consumption-eggs. All our systems are designed to stimulate the natural behaviour of the hens and at the same time ensure ease of use for the poultry farmer.
Come meet our team during SPACE 2019 and find out what Jansen Poultry Equipment can do to maximize your poultry production.
For further information contact: info@jpe.org
Celebrate new MOBA France office at Space – Stand F119, Hall 10B – www.moba.net
Moba is proud to announce that it has opened a new office in France. With Moba France SAS based in Plérin, Côtes d’Armor, Brittany, Moba is further developing its services and activities for the French markets. Come to the SPACE show and meet the Moba France team!
In the past, EMC represented Moba for the French market. The usual interlocutors of the customers remain the same (technical and commercial services mainly). The team will be expanded to meet the growing needs at both technical and administrative levels.
Ms. Céline Rousseau will lead the Moba France SAS office as Managing Director. She has 15 years of experience in the field of equipment for egg producers and packers.
“I am confident that we will meet the needs of our French customers with our competent, committed and dynamic team. With the expectations of egg producers and packers growing, we want to make a difference,” says Céline.
To celebrate the opening of the new France office, the Moba France team invites customers to come to the Moba booth to share a cocktail on Wednesday, September 11th from 4.00 to 6.00 PM.
For information contact: sales@moba.net
PAS REFORM SmartStart™early feeding – Stand B22, Hall 10 – www.pasreform.com/smartstart
SmartStart™ from Pas Reform enables hatchery managers to apply post-hatch feeding where it will have most benefit. It comprises two key elements that can be applied individually or together: precision feeding and intelligent lighting. The system is easily integrated into existing hatcheries and can be applied to some or all flocks; in one, two, or all hatchers.
For more information contact: info@pasreform.com
RIVER SYSTEMS – Stand E99, Hall 10 – www.riversystems.it
At SPACE, River Systems’ team welcomes customers and visitors to share the latest innovations.
The range of ET incubators is being extended with the versions treated with the antibacterial additive BiomasterTM and with the new ET SUPER. There will be also our biggest incubator Nidus Aureum.
These incubators are all compatible with the ultrasonic humidifier Nebula, which won the “1 etoile” Innov’SPACE award.
For information contact: info@riversystems.it
ROXELL – Stand A11, Hall 2-3 – http://titan.roxell.com
At Space, Roxell – the leading manufacturer of automatic feeding, drinking, nesting and heating systems – is launching Titan, a new automatic feeding system for heavy turkeys. In recent years, these birds have undergone a huge evolution in terms of weight. This XL feed solution anticipates the practical problems that come with feeding these more voluminous and stronger turkeys. With Titan, Roxell is putting the largest, strongest and most easy to clean pan on the market.
For information contact: info@roxell.com
SKA – Stand F128, Hall 10 – www.ska.it
SKA’s history runs parallel with modern poultry industry since 1954. With our continuous technical innovations, we have marked fundamental changes in the field. Our aim is to ensure a high standard of quality for both product and customer service.
Please visit us at SPACE in Rennes from 10th to 13th September, we will suggest you the best customised solutions responding to your needs.
For any additional information, please contact ska@ska.it
SPECHT Ten Elsen GmbH & Co. KG – Stand F122, Hall 10 – www.specht-tenelsen.de
Since 1961, the company SPECHT Ten Elsen GmbH & Co. KG provides a great variety of cellular poultry equipment for rearing, egg production, parent stock and broiler growing. Today, the company is a leading developer and manufacturer of poultry equipment for all types of content and helps to maintain the German high quality image «Made in Germany» successfully all around the world.
Apart from this product range, SPECHT offers the complete equipment as feed bin with auger system, ventilation, heating and cooling system, etc. High professionalism and deep knowledge accumulated over many years qualifies us to find the best solution for each poultry-farm.
On the exhibition „SPACE 2019″ in Rennes, the company SPECHT will present its products and in particular its floor management systems.
For further information contact: info@specht-tenelsen.de
VAL-CO – www.val-co.com
The FUZE ProLine Feeder allows you to choose from 3 grill styles & 2 pan depths. In multiple integrator-run feed trials, we beat the competition every time. It’s only natural the best poultry drinkers in the world should accompany a great feeder. Multiple flow and triggering options give your birds the right amount of water. Upgrade to the VAL-CO system and see better feed conversion & higher daily gains.
For more info, contact Galina Sadovska – gsadovska@val-co.com or our African market representative Soufiane Talmoust – stalmoust@val-co.com
VALLI – Stand C63, Hall 10 – www.valli-italy.com
VALLI, attending more than 70 countries around the world for over 60 years, has anticipated for years recent market demands with a wide range of EQUIPMENT in VOLIERA for both PULLETS and LAYER HENS. The excellent performance and the satisfaction of our customers are the best guarantee in offering high quality products with high profitability.
VALLI is also pleased to present the new “ONDA” egg elevator, designed to obtain the best performances. Simple, sturdy and maintenance-free: suitable for hard daily work.
Valli is pleased to welcome you in Rennes at SPACE exhibition.
For further information contact: info@valli-italy.com
VDL AGROTECH – Stand C55, Hall 10 – www.vdlagrotech.com
We are happy to present ourselves at SPACE. At VDL Agrotech, we manufacture and supply equipment for the modern livestock industry. The product range comprises feeding and drinking systems, manure treatment, heating, cooling, ventilation and climate control systems. We are specialized in engineering. We deliver through distributors and we also design, supply and build complete turnkey projects worldwide.
For information contact email: info@vdlagrotech.nl
VENCOMATIC GROUP: Prinzen 100 packer for table eggs – Stand B23, Hall 10 –www.vencomaticgroup.com
After the successful introduction of the Prinzen 70 packer at the Space 2018, Vencomatic Group will release the Prinzen 100 during the Space 2019. The Prinzen 100 is the successor of the Smartpack and reaches for a capacity of 36,000 eggs/hour. This is an increase of 20% compared to the Smartpack, with a packing speed of 30,000 eggs/hour. Eggs are handled with the outmost care, preserving the egg quality during the complete packing process, including automatic tray stacking and pallet loading. Egg orientation, point down setting and transfer to the tray with vacuum lifters ensure optimum individual egg treatment. Its’ very compact configurations easily fit any egg room and allow an overview.
Next to handling several 30-cell tray types, a module for packing eggs straight in (consumer type) carton egg boxes holding 10 or 12 eggs will be available. Switching to carton box packing takes a few minutes and can be done by the operator without special tooling.
For information contact: info@vencomaticgroup.com
VICTORIA – Stand C68, Hall 10 – www.incubatricivictoria.com
Victoria Srl, the leading Italian manufacturer of high performance incubators in the Middle-East, Southeast Asia and Europe with the most innovative materials and advanced technologies, is able to reach new standards of production flexibility, efficiency and production load.Its incubators provide a perfect distribution of oxygen, humidity and temperature through a completely new ventilation system (made of 12 innovatively-designed blades) and an efficient system for trolleys.
While achieving fantastic performance, Victoria machines are also able to optimize costs.
The humidification system, which uses only pressurized water and not pressured air, generates high-energy savings.
For information contact: victoria@victoria-srl.com