Thailand’s Betagro expands with Pas Reform’s hatchery


Following investment in a SmartPro™ hatchery extension in 2014, Thailand’s leading broiler producer Betagro has commissioned a brand new greenfield hatchery using Pas Reform’s SmartPro™ incubation technologies once again, to add a further two million chicks per week to the company’s total capacity.

The new hatchery, which will be built at Chaibadan in Lopbuli Province, takes full advantage of Pas Reform’s position as a single-source, fully integrated supplier of incubation, climate control and hatchery automation. Fifty-four SmartSetPro™ setters with a maximum setting capacity of more than six million hen eggs incorporate modular design, Pas Reform’s Vortex™-based airflow principle, Adaptive Metabolic Feedback™ (AMF™) and the Energy Saving Module™ (ESM™), to optimize uniformity and climate conditions for each batch of eggs.

A Smart process
The setters will be complemented by fifty-four SmartHatchPro™ hatchers, each equipped with SmartWatch™, which by CO2-sensitive automation monitors and adjusts the hatching process to optimize the hatch window for every cycle.

Hatchery operations will be fully supported by Pas Reform’s SmartCenterPro™ hatchery information system at every level, providing end-to-end real-time monitoring, control and reporting, to enhance workflow efficiencies and quality control and deliver complete traceability for every hatch.

Automation and climate control systems
In addition to its single-stage incubation facilities, the new hatchery will be equipped with hatchery automation and climate control systems from Pas Reform, with a full hatchery management training programme being provided by Pas Reform Academy.

Sales director Michael Kampschoer says: “We are delighted that Betagro’s initial investment has delivered tangible results for the bottom line – and very excited to be working with the company again, as it plans for the next chapter in its success.”