Royal Pas Reform announcing that CEO Harm Langen will be leaving in October


Royal Pas Reform announces that CEO Harm Langen will be leaving the company, effective October 1, 2020. The search for his successor is underway. 

“Harm has been in post as CEO since 2015 and has built a strong foundation for smart growth,” says Bart Aangenendt, CEO of parent company Hydratec Industries. “He was pivotal in our transformation from machine manufacturer to supplier of integrated hatchery solutions. Under his leadership, Royal Pas Reform has achieved substantial growth and gained significant share across our markets, worldwide. 

“He leaves us a financially strong and stable company, one that supports our customers with a strong product and service portfolio and highly dedicated employees. On behalf of all his colleagues, I would like to express our sincere gratitude for this and wish Harm the very best for the future.”

Harm Langen comments: “I have been with Royal Pas Reform for five years now and hugely enjoyed my time at the company. There have been many milestones along the way that we can all be very proud of. These include both the launch of the SmartPro™ NF incubation line and the introduction of the SmartCare™ service and support programme in 2016. While in 2018 we launched the SmartStart™ post-hatch feeding solution. Of course, all of these culminated in our unforgettable centenary celebrations and the award of the Royal predicate in 2019. 

“It has been a truly inspiring journey, working with colleagues from across the company, both here in The Netherlands and abroad. I applaud everyone for their hard work, which has elevated Royal Pas Reform to its current position as the world’s only single-source supplier of integrated hatchery solutions.”

Harm leaves to take up a position as Operating Partner with private equity company OxGreenfield in Naarden, The Netherlands. He concludes: “I would like to thank all colleagues, customers, partners and other stakeholders for their loyalty and support during the past years, and wish them every success in the coming years.”