Optimal chick storage conditions with BioStreamer™ Chick-Store by Petersime

The BioStreamer™ Chick-Store by Petersime delivers the perfect chick storage environment

Petersime has developed the BioStreamer™ Chick-Store, a new incubator that automatically delivers the perfect chick storage environment in order to control temperature, airflow and oxygen which play an important role in keeping the environment of day-old chicks in the right conditions.

Chick storage redefined
Suboptimal storage conditions can negatively affect chick quality, post-hatch performance and animal welfare, especially if storage times are long and transport times following storage are extended. By introducing the BioStreamer™ Chick-Store, Petersime offers a solution that automatically delivers a completely controlled chick storage environment in any climate and any size hatchery.

Inside the BioStreamer™ Chick-Store, the temperature is controlled in a very precise way, creating the perfect, uniform ambient temperature for chick storage. Another critical factor in storage, besides temperature, is airflow. The BioStreamer™ Chick-Store distributes air evenly over the rows of chick box trolleys and chick boxes inside the incubator. Excessive humidity and CO₂ are removed through the air outlets.

Petersime BioStreamer™ Chick-Store

Petersime maximises the potential of day-old chicks
Chicks that are held in an optimal storage environment will show higher quality, perform better post-hatch and are less likely to die in the first week. At the same time, the completely controlled environment also improves their well-being.

In addition, Petersime’s BioStreamer™ Chick-Store delivers even more benefits, such as increased flexibility in chick storage management, for instance when chicks need to be stored for next-day shipping; a fully automated process, thanks to the specific incubation programmes; and easy monitoring, complete with historical data analysis.