NOVOGEN is a company under French law, with its headquarters at Quintin, Bretagne in France. Groupe Grimaud is the majority shareholder of NOVOGEN.
The company offers a new alternative giving the egg producers more choice and possibilities to fit their specific market requirements. All its team concentrates their efforts on its core business, research and development of products that suit the specific market needs. NOVOGEN supplies layer Grand Parent Stock and Parent stock to the independent players in the egg industry.
NOVOGEN offers competitive layer breeds for the brown, white and tinted egg production adapted to the different market segments, as well as for the conventional (cage) markets, as for the alternative markets.
NOVOGEN products are being recognized for their specific focus on:
- High egg quality
- Better longevity
- Good persistency
- Optimal feed consumption
- Calm behaviour, well adapted to different management conditions
Many trials and field results of the first parent stock flocks and commercial flocks, placed since 2008, fully confirm all expectations of the suitability of NOVOGEN’s products, which are now present on each continent in a total of more than 50 countries.
NOVOGEN is a sister company of HUBBARD AND GRIMAUD FRERES, who are all part of Groupe Grimaud, counting on a global network of sales, marketing and logistics and the expertise and experience of the international technical specialists of one of the major multi-species animal breeding companies in the world assures that all customers are well supported, from the breeding technology to the technical follow up of the products in the field.
For more information:
Mauguérand – Le Foeil – PO Box 265 – 22 800 Quintin – France
Tel: + 33 (0) 2 96 58 12 60 – Fax: + 33 (0) 2 96 58 12 61