Jamesway releasing Hatchcom 4


Jamesway Software Designers proudly released the latest version of Hatchcom.
New features and adaptations to make your hatchery run more efficiently.

  • Monitors and controls the operation of all your hatchers and incubators. It will alsomonitor hatchery rooms when connected to the Guardian HVAC system.
  • Prepares detailed alarm and machine operation reports covering real-time, daily, and past events. The reports can be displayed on screen, printed, or stored in a file, which can be imported into other popular software packages for further analysis.
  • Illustrates, analyzes, and troubleshoots machine operation by drawing long term trend-indicating graphs from stored temperature, humidity, damper, and event data.The graph capability is extremely powerful and flexible, allowing information to be displayed in many different formats and resolutions.
  • Stores valuable operational machine data such as actual temperature, humidity and damper readings, as well as machine events such as egg turns, heating and humidification activity.
  • Stores valuable event-driven data such as machine alarms and operator response times to alarms.
  • Maintenance functions provide flexible system to schedule recurring maintenance tasks for incubators, HVAC, and other hatchery equipment.
  • Automatic email messaging or telephone calling in the event of an alarm. Allows access to all Hatchcom features from any other computer using a local network or Internet via a VPN connection. Hatchcom is designed as a true client-server application.
  • Complete redesign of the user interface with a bright new look. Designed to run on   64 bit Windows 7 Professional or later operating system, and can be used together with other Windows programs such as Microsoft Office. Large icons for touch screen tablets (Windows only).
  • New scheduled maintenance system allows setting and tracking of recurring maintenance tasks.
  • Visual feedback of machine status through the use of colours show those machines are running normally, alarming, running profile, pre-warming, shutting down,
  • Each machine lists the actual temperature, humidity, CO2, damper, fan speed or HVAC A double-click with the mouse reveals complete machine status.
  • Remote PC’s or tablets can be networked from anywhere having access to the main Hatchcom PC.
  • Automatic database backup function keeps data secure. Old database backups can be easily loaded into Hatchcom for
  • All report and graph screens are independent, the user is free to drag them to other screens when
  • Select a group of machines to perform actions such as starting profile, generate reports, or set scheduled maintenance tasks in one
  • Machines can be grouped into rooms to zoom in with a single mouse click. When fully enlarged the machine blocks will expand to show a detailed status
  • Easier editing of the hatchery layout screen. New commands allow user to undo changes or arrange a group of
  • Incubator profiles and Guardian schedules can be exported for archival purposes or later import.
  • Transfer function to copy incubator profile start date to four
  • Integrated manual and context sensitive help in each window, allowing user to get up to speed
  • Hatchcom can be translated to any language (subject to availability).
  • Built-in Modbus server giving read access to third party

For info contact: www.jamesway.com