ALEC 2018 show (African Livestock Exhibition & Congress) was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia last week and attended by Adriaen Sligcher, Pas Reform’s Sales Director Africa and Bouke Hamminga, Pas Reform’s Director of Sales & Business Development.
Today, Ethiopia has a population of 105 million, and many millions living in poor rural communities still depend on rearing livestock for their livelihoods. The country still has very low levels of growth in terms of both eggs and poultry meat production. However, it is projected that double-digit growth will be required to meet the anticipated uplift in market demand.
ALEC’s showcased to the world the business development opportunities across the livestock sector in Africa and promoted the export-led expansion of livestock products. A key part of this is to provide a platform for possible technology and knowledge transfer.
Adriaen Sligcher (Pas Reform’s Sales Director Africa) and Bouke Hamminga (Pas Reform’s Director of Sales & Business Development) met Ethiopia’s State Minister of the Agriculture & Livestock Resources Ministry, Seifu Assefa at the show and they discussed the importance that Pas Reform places on the Ethiopian market over the coming decade.
Bouke said: “In Ethiopia, livestock rearing still plays an integral part in the country’s agricultural production. However, the global food market is undergoing major changes. One route to support the future growth required from the country’s poultry sector going forward will be for development of livestock production on an industrial scale. This will require specialized and carefully focused interventions.
“Pas Reform was the only hatchery company exhibiting at ALEC. We are ideally placed to work in partnership with both Ethiopian poultry businesses and the government to provide production and technological expertise in the future to help meet their growth ambitions.”