Ross Club first event to award best flocks reflects high performance earned by skill and dedication of PS and broiler customers.
Giving special recognition to customers who have achieved top performance with Ross® parent stock and broilers, Aviagen® Kft. held its first Ross Club event on Sept. 10-11 in Poiana Brasov, Romania. Ross 400 Club membership is awarded to broiler producers who reach a European Performance Efficiency Factor (EPEF) score of 400 or more, while Ross 140 Club membership in the Kft. Region is granted to breeder farmers who demonstrate a breeder output of 140 chicks or more per hen housed at 60 weeks.
There to congratulate the award winners were Dejan Bosanac, Regional Technical Manager, Aviagen KFT; Marcel Janssen, Production Manager, Aviagen EPI; and Paul Anton, Sales and Technical Manager, Romania and the Republic of Moldavia.
Paul expressed his enthusiasm for rewarding Romania’s top flocks. “We applaud our customers, their farm managers and all who contributed to these exceptional results. The high scores are possible only through excellent stockmanship, attention to detail and a consistent daily commitment to ensure the best health, welfare and performance of their flocks.”
And the winners are…
Ross 400 Club. Three SC Oprea Avicom SRL and four S.C. Transavia S.A. farms were welcomed into the Ross 400 Club, with one of S.C. Oprea Avicom SRL’s flocks attaining a remarkable EPEF of 428.
Ross 140 Club. The new Ross 140 Club achievers include:
All winners were honored with a custom glass chicken and a certificate of achievement.
For further information, please visit www.aviagen.com.