Top climate Lubing System: cooling, humidification and dust removal through water pressure


The Top climate LUBING system is developed to effectively humidify, cool and reduce dust in the air inside the hall, through the principle of direct evaporative cooling.

How does the cooling work? By means of high-pressure nozzles, water is finely atomised inside the hall at a pressure of 70 bar. The water spray evaporates immediately, causing the air in the hall to cool and the temperature to drop. By reducing the time the fans are used, the cooling effect saves significant energy.

During the warm period and after the arrival of young animals, the Top climate LUBING system is also used effectively to increase humidity. The Top climate LUBING system, which is used worldwide, works successfully with all types of ventilation: even in open sheds with little ventilation, a considerable improvement in climatic conditions is achieved. The Top climate LUBING system contributes to improving the health and welfare of the animals, especially in laying hen and fattening farms, and also reduces the use of medication.

Benefits at a glance:

– Fast cooling of halls without wetting;
– Possibility of increasing humidity to any desired level;
– Reduction of dust in the air with beneficial effect on the animals’ respiratory organs;
– More active animals due to more suitable climate; 
– Uniform temperature distribution;
– Improved feed conversion rate;
– Better performance;
– Less aggression in animal behaviour;
– Possibility to use the system to wet the shed or spray disinfectants.
– Possibility to use the LUBING medicine dispenser to spray water with soluble medicines;
– Possibility to manage several sheds automatically by connection to the LUBING control unit or another climate computer;
– Constant egg production even in summer;
– Possibility of operating a single pump in several halls

Top climate LUBING: how it’s made up
– FlexClamp system with brass spray nozzle and pipe support.
– Stainless steel couplings, making high-pressure line connections safer.
– Stainless steel Press Fix, designed to make fast and secure spray line connections.
– Brass nozzle on stainless steel pipe with welded adapter and plastic clip.
– Central filtering unit with integrated medicinal dosing system.
– D-Line pumping unit with flanged motor.
– Interactive Touch Control unit for controlling and monitoring the pumping unit.
– Nozzle line with brass nozzle art. 7340.