Whole Genome Sequencing


    Free Whole Genome Sequencing webinar series, launching Jan. 23. Whole Genome Sequencing is an increasingly valuable tool for the poultry and other industries, with an extensive scope of applications ranging from food safety management and surveillance to outbreak investigations.

    The series will contain five Whole Genome Sequencing webinars, occurring once a month from January to May. After addressing the basics of Whole Genome Sequencing and how it applies to food safety management, subsequent webinars will focus on sequencing protocols, case studies, regulatory applications and novel applications of the next generation of Whole Genome Sequencing, such as metagenomics.

    The first webinar will be presented by Dr. Martin Wiedmann, professor at Cornell University and recognized food safety expert in the research community. Dr. Wiedmann will kick off the series by sharing basic elements of Whole Genome Sequencing along with insights on the current and potential use of Whole Genome Sequencing for food safety purposes across regulatory agencies, academia and the food industry. He will also discuss considerations for industry implementation of WGS tools and data, as well as the important opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.

    The webinar series is brought to you by USPOULTRY in collaboration with the American Bakers Association, American Frozen Food Institute, Chilled Food Association, Food Marketing Institute, Grocery Manufacturers Association, National Chicken Council, National Turkey Federation, North American Meat Institute, Peanut and Tree Nut Processors, Produce Marketing Association, United Fresh Produce Association and the Western Growers Association.