The inhabitants of the cold Magadan region face protein shortages, lacking of fresh, affordable poultry meat. The erection of the Dukchinskaya poultry farm in this far-away corner in Russia offers a far better, healthier and less expensive solution than the attempts to transport fresh meat to the region.
Lack of protein for children
Have you ever visited Magadan? Probably not. Few people have ever set foot on this relatively unknown place on the map in the cold parts of Russia. It takes eight hours to fly from Moscow to Magadan. The region encompasses 461,400 km², which is about the size of Morocco, and houses 182,726 inhabitants. Winters are long and cold and the soil remains permanently frozen. Permafrost and tundra cover most of the region. Buying fresh meat in the local shops can be challenging: it is hard to come by and it is expensive. So most poultry meat is delivered to Magadan in the form of frozen meat. Even so, the Russian Food Committee prohibited the use of deep-frozen poultry meat in schools and kindergartens five years ago. In spite of the efforts of the regional government to arrange regular deliveries, attempts to transport fresh meat from bigger cities to the region are irregular and often plagued by problems. As a result, there is not enough fresh poultry meat available on the plates of the local school children, causing a lack of protein, which is an essential cornerstone for a balanced development.
Solving protein shortages in Russia
To counter this problem, the Dukchinskaya poultry farm decided to build a hatchery, with the joint support of the mayor of Magadan, Mr. Juriy Grishan, and the governor of the Magadan region, Mr. Vladimir Pecheniy. Thanks to the incubation technology and services provided by PETERSIME, broiler and layer chickens are now hatched and distributed more easily in this far-away place on the map, thereby contributing to the public health issue. ‘It was not easy to deliver our equipment to the Magadan region, but our distributor Hartmann successfully arranged it,’ says Anna Nemtseva, Director Petersime OOO.
Better, healthier and less expensive
The Dukchinskaya poultry farm aims to deliver 1,000 tonnes of meat annually, which will satisfy no less than 30 % of the demand of the region. Moreover, poultry is now easier to buy, including in the smaller cities, and more affordable. Each child will be able to eat 200gr of fresh poultry each week, which will contribute to their dietary requirements for more proteins, stimulating a better development in a more balanced way.
In short, the installation of the Dukchinskaya poultry farm offers a far better, healthier and less expensive solution. As a company, Petersime is of course proud that our installations and services contribute to the welfare of the Magadan region.