A new specialised turkey hatchery for Turkmenistan


An interview with Mr. Maksat Ibragimov, Company Coordinator MAKSADA OKGUNLY, a hatchery in Turkemenistan.

What you are constructing is more than a new turkey hatchery in Turkmenistan. You are building a complete complex for producing turkey meat.
That’s right. My sister Zerey Ibragimova and I are building a complex that includes a hatchery for incubating turkey eggs. We purchased the hatchery equipment from Belgium, 22 turkey houses from Germany, the slaughterhouse from France, the complex for deep meat processing from Italy and other European countries, and specialised feeds from Germany. Our complex is being constructed in the Gökdepe District, about 65 kilometres away from Ashgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan. Within easy reach of the complex, we have built a waste processing factory for producing bone meal and disposing of waste.”

A new specialised turkey hatchery for Turkmenistan
Maksat Ibragimov and FSE Igor Baryshnikov from OOO Petersime

Why is the construction of this turkey complex so important for Turkmenistan?
Because this is a way to ensure that the country will be supplied with quality healthy turkey meat. The Turkmen government plans to guarantee the supply of high-grade meat to the domestic market and, eventually, to export turkey meat in the long term. Our turkey hatchery, as well as the complex, will be the first specialised project in Turkmenistan to be built on an industrial scale. It will allow us to produce high-quality competitive products, which in turn will find their customers both in Turkmenistan and abroad.”

The Turkmen government is supporting your expansion. How did you secure this support?
Back in 2013, we were the first entrepreneurs in Turkmenistan to import turkey eggs. For two years, we produced meat on a small scale, proving that we were capable of providing a balanced supply of turkey meat. In early 2015, our esteemed President allocated, for the second time already, US$100 million for 10 years at 1% per annum with a grace period of five years. The Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs carefully studied the projects submitted by entrepreneurs, and eventually selected over 37 projects, including ours. The winning projects were also allocated free plots for construction and irrigation. Our company received 23 ha for construction and 230 ha for irrigation.”

What output can we expect from MAKSADA OKGUNLY?
The output will be increased gradually. During the first phase, we will produce 3,200 tons of turkey meat, of which 1,500 tons will be deep-processed to manufacture more than 46 various products (link sausages, sausages, smoked products, etc.). During the second phase, we will supply 1,600 tons more. We have purchased four Petersime BioStreamer™ 4TS setters and a BioStreamer™ 4TH hatcher, and now, thanks to the most advanced technologies, we have the capacity to hatch 730,000 turkeys per year. Our project includes 22 houses to raise them in and a slaughterhouse that can handle 400 turkeys per hour; we can process 4,800 tons of meat per year into 65 different products. So, the Turkmen market will have a wide selection of turkey meat.

When will the first turkeys be supplied?
We plan to have the first phase of the complex, including the hatchery, up and running by the end of 2017. It will be our New Year gift to guests and residents of Turkmenistan. According to the schedule, the second phase will be completed by the end of 2018.”

What are your plans for the future?
First of all, we intend to launch the second phase and reach the maximum production output of turkey meat. Further, we, together with our European partners, plan to make a technological transfer to Turkmenistan, and to start exporting hatching eggs and chicks to the neighbouring countries. We also have projects to diversify production, e. g. projects to produce duck and goose meat.
In addition, we are developing a unique project, which has never yet been implemented either in Turkmenistan or in the neighbouring countries. I assure you, this will be a sensation in the world industry”.