Poland – Growing importance of egg exports

About ten years after the collapse of the USSR and COMECON and the implementation of a new political and economic system a new phase...

PF Kekava joins Ross 400 Club

PF Kekava, Latvia, a leading poultry company in the Baltic States, is the latest member to join the prestigious Aviagen® Kft Ross® 400 Club. The company has...

Aviagen LLC Hatchery Director awarded “Honored worker of agriculture of Russian Federation”

Aviagen® LLC Russia Hatchery Director Anna Matveeva has earned the esteemed title of “Honoured Worker of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.” Signed by President...

Russia showed a record growth in the turkey industry

Russia showed a record growth in the turkey industry of almost 20 percent in 2020 and became the 4th in the world’s ranking of...

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AgriBITs Summit Postponed: New Date parallel to VIV Asia, 12 –...

The AgriBITs Summit, the AI and Tech event catering to the livestock and crop sectors, has announced a rescheduled date. Originally planned for September...