Pakistan chicken industry

Hassaan Bin Aslam, a veterinarian and microbiologist from Pakistan, is a student at The Pirbright Institute and the Royal Veterinary College whose project explores the structure of...

Antimicrobial stewardship. The path to least resistance

Antimicrobial resistance is now accepted as a global public health priority and an important emerging animal health issue. Antimicrobial use contributes to the selection...

Bel Ga driven to raise poultry standards in Myanmar

Since the consumption of chicken meat in Myanmar is rising significantly, enterprises such as Bel Ga have been investing in modern hatcheries and farms...

Eggs to fight malnutrition in Nepal, Honduras and Ethiopia

Cobb-Vantress and OneEgg – an organization attacking poverty and malnutrition through sustainable community development – recently launched new chapters in Nepal, Honduras and Ethiopia....


Founded in the late 1950s, Aza International invented the rope transport system, a revolutionary product that helped develop today’s modern livestock husbandry. Aza International...

The role of poultry vaccination in reducing risk of exposures to the H7N9 Avian...

The nationwide H7N9 Avian Influenza vaccination program launched by the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) of China in September 2017 has had the desired effect,...

Two Middle Eastern countries, two-day conferences – two major successes

Over the first five days of April, 2018, Aviagen® conducted two highly successful conferences for Ross® Parent Stock (PS) customers in the Middle East. The...

Erpiliç installs advanced turkey hatchery to meet growing demand

Leading Turkish poultry producer Erpiliç is investing in a new, state-of-the-art turkey hatchery from Pas Reform, to meet growing demand for turkey meat. Based in...

Shandong Fengxiang and Dalian Chengsan

Chinese customers visit Cobb office in Shanghai One of the largest integrated companies in China, Shandong Fengxiang, located at Yanggu in Shandong province, places about...

Aviagen celebrates latest Ross Club Member from Northern Cypress

Aviagen Anadolu’s Ross® 400 and 140 Clubs welcomed their latest member: Kırnı Piliçleri. Founded by Mustafa Hacı Ali (shown seated in photo), Kırnı Piliçleri...

Best practices to optimize quality across the poultry production chain

Ross DCFTs Work “Hand-in-Hand” at 12th Annual Gathering. Sharpening competitive edge for distributors through quality customer support for better poultry production. Ross Distributor Customer Focus Teams (DCFTs)...

A new hatchery in Sri Lanka with Pas Reform SmartPro™

New Anthoneys Group, one of Sri Lanka’s leading poultry producers, is embarking on a major new programme of hatchery expansion that will see the...

Challenges to free-range poultry in low rainfall regions

Free-range poultry production in Australia has increased in market share and continues to grow. New poultry farms are being established to meet increased demand, but...

Poultry production and marketing in Turkey

According to 2014 data, there are 11,328 commercial poultry enterprises in the Turkey poultry industry including hatcheries, slaughterhouses, breeding and commercial broiler and layer farms.

Poultry production in Saudi Arabia

Poultry Production in Saudi Arabia is rapidly expanding showing a great potential in the future.

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