The challenge of feeding modern broiler breeders

Broiler breeders are expected to produce about 150 chicks in 40 weeks of production and even though it is commonly believed that selection for...

Challenges in poultry feeding

Poultry producers around the world continue to struggle with high production costs for poultry feeding, largely due to volatility in prices for basic feed...

Vitamin D in laying hens: how high is high enough?

In 2010, the Institute of Medicine in the United States reviewed current literature and changed the estimated average requirement of 400 IU/day to a...

Precision feeding of broiler breeders

Precision livestock feeding relies on real-time sensor feedback from individual birds to decide whether or not to allocate feed, according to the needs of...

Effectiveness of a double choice test to assess dietary taste preferences in broiler chickens

Investigations into the taste system of chickens can help to improve poultry feeding strategies. However, a comprehensive study on dietary taste preferences for broilers...

The effects of in-ovo feeding

In-ovo feeding is a key issue in poultry. The embryonic and immediate post hatch developmental period represents a significant phase in attaining quality broiler...

Pellet quality and its effects on poultry performance

Pellet quality provided to meat birds throughout the industry is highly variable. Feeding birds pellets of poor quality can in part be attributed to...

Potential to produce poultry feed from food wastes

The annual food waste in Australia is estimated at 7.5 million tonnes with the majority disposed of in landfills. This not only causes significant economic loss...

Modification of the chicken intestinal epithelial physical barrier in poultry by dietary factors

The intestinal epithelial physical barrier is the most critical element of maintaining an intact intestinal barrier and made up of a layer of columnar...

Feeding broilers of the future

The only way to maintain production is to improve the understanding of precision nutrition so that producers can feed broilers with low or no...

Effects of dietary insoluble and soluble non-starch polysaccharides on performance and ileal and excreta...

This study examined the effect of dietary insoluble and soluble non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) in common broiler diets on performance and ileal and excreta moisture...

Field experience on the use of probiotics in chickens and turkeys

Probiotics have been used for several years in an attempt to improve intestinal health. Recently, microbial products have been extensively studied as supportive treatments...

Measurement of energy utilization in chickens

Although corn prices have dropped from historic highs in the past years, energy continues to be one of the driving costs in poultry feeding....

Crude soybean lecithin and vegetable acid oil as energy sources for broiler chickens

Lecithin and acid oil, as co-products from vegetable oil refining process, are economic alternatives to conventional fat sources and may represent an efficient energy...

The bioavailability of zinc in poultry: what does literature say?

Zinc bioavailability: zinc is an essential trace element for all the animals, including broilers. In case of deficiency, alteration of growth performance and distortion...

A new perspective on feeding broiler breeders

Due to sophisticated genetic selection programs carried out by poultry breeding companies such as Aviagen, today’s broilers can grow with very efficient feed conversion...

Short chain fatty acids and poultry gut health

Due to customer demands, producers have been asked to change the way they grow production animals, specifically through the removal of antibiotics. With this...

Corn milling efficiency and particle size effects on pullet growth performance

Corn is usually ground locally at the feed mill, while soybean meal is pre-processed and feed mills have little control over its particle size...

Probiotics as an alternative to antibiotics for treating lameness in broilers

The pathogenesis leading to a form of lameness known as bacterial chondronecrosis with osteomyelitis (BCO) appears to be initiated by mechanical microfracturing of susceptible...

Algae products in organic poultry diets

Algae, “the not so new kid on the block” has been used in both human and animal diets dating back centuries. There is a...

Copper influences broilers’ performance and growth

Copper (Cu) is an essential component involved in a wide variety of biochemical processes. It must be supplemented in the trace mineral premix as...

Scientifically validated results to raise poultry production profitability

The Poultry Science Association 2017 Annual Meeting took place in Orlando, Florida on July 17-20. Being the most prestigious scientific event for poultry in...

Feed borne mycotoxins: the threat to poultry?

Mycotoxins are metabolites produced by molds (fungi) that can infest crops pre-harvest and can continue to flourish under sub-optimal storage conditions. Grains with high...

Influence of feed form and particle size on the performance and nutrient utilisation of...

The present experiment was designed to examine the influence of feed form and particle size in maize-based diets on the performance and nutrient utilisation...

Impact of grain type on performance in broilers under Necrotic Enteritis challenge

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of grain type on performance and gut microbiota composition in broiler chickens under a...

The importance of feeding time observation

Achieving proper bodyweight, flock uniformity, and sexual maturity at light stimulation are some of the biggest management challenges for broiler breeder farms. Today’s breeder pullets...

Site and extent of digestion on poultry production

In poultry formulation and production of feed has evolved extensively in the last century with the identification of required nutrients, and subsequent and continuing...

A cost-effective poultry feed additives solution to partially replace vitamin E

Livestock producers typically use feed additives such as vitamin E to increase the antioxidant capacity of animals and minimise economic losses. Recently, the price of...

Spirulina platensis Algae, a novel poultry feed additive

Identifying alternative replacements for soybean meal in a high quality and reasonable price is of importance in poultry production and physiological parameters. Spirulina platensis...

New applications such as superdosing of phytase to maximize phytate destruction to improve performance...

It is well documented that phytase supplementation in broiler diets improves P and Ca utilization through the destruction of phytate (IP6) and thereby allows...

Science unveils new pathway to broiler chicken growth performance

A new tool has emerged for broiler chicken operations seeking new ways to optimize results while keeping aligned with a full range of the...

Challenges in longer laying cycle. Stabilizing egg quality

In the past 50 years, selection, initially at the breed level and then using quantitative genetics coupled with a sophisticated breeding pyramid, has resulted...

Flexible Feed Formulation with GALLIPRO

Facing challenging goals The goal of the poultry industry is to provide consumers with safe food, while promoting poultry health and welfare, in addition to carefully...

Calcium nutrition, bone metabolism, and eggshell quality in longer-persisting layers

As regard layers management, rather than being depopulated at 60 to 70 weeks of age, or being moulted to allow for additional production cycles,...

How to improve hen fertility

Following specific procedures to increase hen fertility will not eliminate drops in fertility, but it may also reduce the need to trouble-shoot breeder flocks. Artificial...

Early introduction of whole-grain diets to broiler chickens

The main problem with introducing whole-grain diets (WGD) to newly hatched chicks is the kernel size  and this has led to such diets being...

Changing role of poultry nutritionist in a changing industry

Reflecting back on 30 years of working in the poultry industry as nutritionists we realize that the biggest changes that have occurred have mostly...

Using sunflower meal in broilers with the addition of a carbohydrase complex

Sunflower seeds are extensively grown for oil production for human consumption. Therefore, a great amount of sunflower meal becomes available for use in feed...

Bacillus Subtilis improves performance of broilers fed medicated or non-medicated feed

Animal digestive health is key to obtain optimal performance. Antibiotic growth promoters (AGPs) have long been shown to be very effective to develop and...

On free amino acids – Their role in starch and protein digestive dynamics

The quantity of glucose and amino acids absorbed from the small intestine is a function of dietary concentrations, feed intakes and digestibility coefficients. Moreover,...

Evaluating phosphorous equivalency of phytases

The use of exogenous enzymes in non-ruminant nutrition is a valuable tool to increase digestibility and therefore spare the inclusion of expensive nutrients whilst...

Keel bone integrity in layers – Observations, nutritional remedies, and myth-busting

The issue of keel bone deformities and abnormalities is different depending on various housing systems for the birds. Keel fractures have received a lot...

High levels of cottonseed meal supplemented with composite microbial enzymes

Effects of cottonseed meal supplemented with composite microbial enzymes on broiler chickens. Soybean meal (SBM) is the premier plant protein source used by the poultry...

Fatty acids in ABF poultry production: a nutritionist’s perspective

The beneficial role of short-chain fatty acids and medium chain fatty acids on gut health and reducing pathogen colonization has been well documented over...

Chelated copper compared to antibiotics effect on gut health in broilers

In this study the specific interventions of chelated copper methionine hydroxy analogue (cuMHAC) and a combination of cuMHAC and an effective foregut acidifier were...

Natural antioxidants in poultry production

From vitamins to vitagenes - First part In general, there are four major types of stress in poultry production: technological, environmental, nutritional and internal stresses....

Broiler breeders, a research on alternative feeding programs and photostimulation periods

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announce the completion of a funded research project at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia, in which researchers...

Feed Conversion Ratio optimized for farmer profit

The farmers’ cost for animal feed is one of the main expenditures consisting of 60-70% of the overall producer costs. These producer costs are...

Path to the 100 week age layers in cage free systems

Egg producers are always looking for ways to improve layer hen’s efficiency as, nowadays, the genetic potential of layers is targeting an extended age...

Effect of two different fibre sources on growth and immune function in grower layer-pullets

This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of two different fibre sources on pullet growth, gut immune tissue, and lymphocyte proliferation of strain...

Ideal amino acids and chicken gut disturbance

There is considerable interest in the development of low protein diets with supplemental amino acids for broiler chickens due to economic, environmental and bird welfare advantages....

Phosphorus: how low can we go in broiler diets?

Phosphorus (P) is essential for all forms of life. Dietary P content either in excess of, or below requirements may adversely affect broiler performance....

Comparison of the effects of dietary available phosphorus and feed restriction on performance, egg...

This study was performed to evaluate the effect of available phosphorus and restricted feeding level on laying hens productivity, egg quality and yolk fatty...

Feather-eating hens show specific essential amino acid appetites in a double-choice model

Nutritional balance is one of the major considerations to prevent severe feather pecking in layer hens. Individual variation in digestive and metabolic efficiencies and...

Black soldier fly larvae in meat chicken diets modifies the fatty acid profile in...

Black soldier fly (BSF) larvae are a promising alternative feed ingredient for monogastrics,includingpoultry.However,theimpactoffeedingBSFlarvaeinbroilerdietson the fatty acid profile of the breast chicken meat remains unknown.  This...

Broilers diets with high and low net energy but similar metabolisable energy

A semi-commercial scale feeding study was conducted to compare formulations of broiler diets based on predicted net energy (NE) and metabolisable energy (ME). It...

Antioxidants in broiler breeder diets can affect offspring performance

In a series of experiments, it was shown that antioxidants in broiler breeder diets can affect broiler performance trans-generationally. To study this, a polyphenol...

How Xylanase can improve performance of a broiler diet

Whilst xylanase rich NSP-enzymes are used consistently in wheat based diets the question remains whether the positive response seen can be ascribed solely to...

Corn co-products in broilers

The expansion of the ethanol industry has increased the availability of a variety of corn co-products as feedstuffs for livestock and poultry. Of the...

Measurement of true ileal calcium digestibility of meat and bone meal for broiler chickens

Currently, there is a move towards the use of digestible phosphorus (P) in diet formulations for poultry due to P excretion into the environment...

Lowering dietary calcium and available phosphorus in broilers

The aim of this trial was to investigate the effect of lowering dietary calcium (Ca) and available phosphorus (av.P) during Starter (0 to 10d),...

NIRS study on nutritional profiles of 100 soybean meal samples from USA and Brazil

This paper compares the nutrient profile of soybean meal (SBM) samples from the USA and Brazil. Proximate analysis, total amino acids, standardized ileal digestibility...

Benefits of non-synthetic, natural oregano essential oil in pullet rearing

Feeding oregano essential oil to pullets during rearing can help to improve flock uniformity, reproductive fitness and feed efficiency, according to research undertaken at...

Dietary non-phytate phosphorus levels for laying hens in the last phase of lay

The phosphorus (P) requirement of laying hens is an area of on-going debate and it is a factor that contributes to hen performance and...

Layer nutrition associated with different production systems

The egg industry continues to grow; in the past this was in cage production, but today’s growth is focused on alternative production systems such...

Effects of low protein and balanced amino acid levels on birds under subclinic NE

One benefit of low protein (LP) diets is improving gut health in a future of antibiotic-growth promoter free diets. Drew et al., (2004) found an...

The potential of perinatal nutrition

Based on Darwin’s theory of adaptive evolution and Mendel’s fundamental laws of heritability, breeding and genetic selection for increased growth rate and meat yield...

Lactobacillus acidophilus D2/CSL (CECT4529): 35 years of Italian research (1985-2020)

The history of the probiotic strain Lactobacillus acidophilus D2/CSL (CECT 4529) follows that of many strains produced by Centro Sperimentale del Latte and acts...

A dose response of a heat stable phytase on broiler performance and nutrient digestibility

Phytases have been heavily researched for decades and been used commercially since the early 1990s. Phytase from microbial origin is therefore added to monogastric...

Ileal amino acids digestibility in response to increasing phytase dose or MCP levels in...

Commercial broiler feed is formulated mainly with plant based ingredients including cereals and oil seeds. These ingredients provide low available P because 70-80% of...

Research examines alternative feeding programs and photostimulation periods for broiler breeders

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announce the completion of a funded research project at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia, in which researchers...

Low protein diets supplemented with glycine, glutamine or arginine for broilers

A previous study highlighted differences between a low protein (LP) diet and a higher concentration of amino acids (AA) for intestinal permeability and performance...

Low protein diets in broilers

Some recent research at the Arkansas Agriculture Experiment Station Poultry Research Farm has been focused on low protein diets in broilers. Many nutritionists rely...

Reducing undigested protein available at the intestinal wall on broilers

An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of supplementing an inherently thermo stable protease in broilers fed diets based on single raw materials,...

EU Compound feed production in 2021 – Market Outlook 2022

Industrial compound feed production in the EU remained stable in 2021. Looking forward, the spread of animal diseases and the continuing global grain market...

Water quality guidelines for turkeys

Turkeys typically consume twice as much water as feed, so it is important to provide a clean, healthy water supply. Water not only serves...

Replacing soy in broiler diets. Effect on performance, carcass yield and cost of production

The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of replacing soybean meal (SBM) in broiler diets on performance, carcass quality and...

NSP enzymes, gut microbiota and fermentation products

Arabinoxylans account for 50-70% of the NSP feed enzymes present in cereal grains and make up the majority of cell wall NSP in corn,...

Intestinal barrier function – A case to be studied in reduced protein diets

Maintaining intestinal health and growth remains a concern as demands increase to limit the use of antibiotics in poultry production. There is also an...

Can xylanase inhibitors affect the efficacy of xylanases in poultry diets?

Xylanase inhibitors are reported to be widely present in cereals, and can influence the assay of supplemental xylanases in feeds. In the present study, a...

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