Evaluating the exterior quality of hatching eggs

Quality of eggs has a significant impact on hatchability and chick quality. Since a hatchery manager’s main aim is to produce the highest possible...

Reducing the environmental impact of egg production via breeding and alternative diet

Egg production has an important role in the global production of food. For decades, we have successfully selected laying hens that efficiently produce animal...

Two critical points in the rearing of Hubbard premium pullets

Achieving good uniformity is not the biggest challenge during the rearing period of Hubbard Premium breeder females. Because they take a fairly long time...

Managing heat and minimum ventilation systems in the broiler house

When outside temperatures drop and gas prices rise, maintaining the desired inside broiler house air temperature and ventilating to meet air quality needs can...

Alternative housing system’s impact on feeding pullets and layers

In order to satisfy consumer demands for their food to be produced a more “humane” manner the retail outlets are pushing the egg industry...

Salmonella, creating the most undesirable environment

Background Salmonella non-typhoidal is among the top foodborne bacteria that cause illness within the United States annually.With 1.4 million illness (11% of foodborne bacteria), 19,336...

Lowering dietary calcium and available phosphorus in broilers

The aim of this trial was to investigate the effect of lowering dietary calcium (Ca) and available phosphorus (av.P) during Starter (0 to 10d),...

Raising turkeys without antibiotics

Alternative management – paying attention to detail and supportive care strategies can be utilized to produce turkeys without antibiotics in this new era. Dr. Steven...

Big problem – simple solution in the hatchery

A hatchery got in touch with me recently about a worrying problem: 3-5% of the newly delivered chicks were dying during their first 3-5...

Poultry expertise at IDEXX

In a rapidly evolving poultry production environment with fewer treatment options, disease prevention and identification are more important than ever. Reliable lab diagnostics play...

Measurement of true ileal calcium digestibility of meat and bone meal for broiler chickens

Currently, there is a move towards the use of digestible phosphorus (P) in diet formulations for poultry due to P excretion into the environment...

Healthy water, healthy birds

Since birds consume as much water as feed providing a clean, safe and sanitized water supply is crucial for assuring modern poultry flocks perform...

Benefits of non-synthetic, natural oregano essential oil in pullet rearing

Feeding oregano essential oil to pullets during rearing can help to improve flock uniformity, reproductive fitness and feed efficiency, according to research undertaken at...

Dietary non-phytate phosphorus levels for laying hens in the last phase of lay

The phosphorus (P) requirement of laying hens is an area of on-going debate and it is a factor that contributes to hen performance and...

Raising Pullets in Alternative Systems

Productive and profitable layers begin with good quality pullets. Having the correct body weight and body type at the start of egg production will...

Hot weather management and nutrition

Thermoregulation is the ability of birds to maintain their body temperature across a range of environmental temperatures and in hot weather. Turkeys use a...

NIRS study on nutritional profiles of 100 soybean meal samples from USA and Brazil

This paper compares the nutrient profile of soybean meal (SBM) samples from the USA and Brazil. Proximate analysis, total amino acids, standardized ileal digestibility...

Coccidiosis control in broiler breeders with the use of vaccines by Aviagen®

Coccidiosis is a disease of the intestinal lining, produced by the invasion of the mucosal cells by a very prolific protozoan parasite of the...

On-farm control of campylobacter

Campylobacteriosis, primarily caused by the consumption of contaminated chicken products, accounts for the majority of food poisoning cases in Europe and many other developed...

Managing turkeys coming into lay

The first few weeks between transfer of turkeys to the laying farm and the peak of production can have a big influence on flock...

Layer nutrition associated with different production systems

The egg industry continues to grow; in the past this was in cage production, but today’s growth is focused on alternative production systems such...

Current trends in litter management

As much of the broiler industry transitions to antibiotic free production based on consumer demand, broiler house management is changing more substantially than it...

Effects of low protein and balanced amino acid levels on birds under subclinic NE

One benefit of low protein (LP) diets is improving gut health in a future of antibiotic-growth promoter free diets. Drew et al., (2004) found an...

The potential of perinatal nutrition

Based on Darwin’s theory of adaptive evolution and Mendel’s fundamental laws of heritability, breeding and genetic selection for increased growth rate and meat yield...

Research assessed peracetic acid in poultry processing wastewater treatment systems

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announce the completion of a funded research project at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia, in which...

Hatching for egg quality

Hatching for egg quality implies caring of various factors. The age of the flock, number of storage days and incubation program are typically included...

Heat tolerance of TETRA laying hens

The global warming and the climate change affect animal production and sustainability of livestock systems. The high ambient temperature has detrimental effect on the...

Novel Approach Improves Poultry Welfare by Reducing Stress on Chickens

MSD Animal Health (known as Merck Animal Health within the United States and Canada) recently announced the launch of EXZOLT® (fluralaner), the first systemic...

CAS technology is emerging as the harvesting solution of choice – Working on animal...

CAS helps reduce the stress in animals. This is a humane approach and many poultry companies are starting to take note. Animal well-being extends...

Cage free pullet management

The conditions in cage free systems differ from the traditional cage housing systems and require a different management approach. Alternative production systems can be...

Jamesway’s Webinar talking about the Hatcher

The hatcher is often the forgotten sister of the incubator. Most presentations focus on getting everything right in the incubator, assuming that if the incubation...

Visual identification of potential feather pecking

Feather pecking behaviour is common in floor-housed laying hens a behavior, which is positively associated with developing feather pecking habits. It has been suggested that...

Holistic view of intestinal health in poultry

The intestinal health of poultry has broad implications for the systemic health of birds, animal welfare, the production efficiency of flocks, food safety, and...

Evaluation of effects of in ovo light stimulation on incubation performance and chick quality...

In sustainable commercial poultry business, hatchability and chick quality are key points that determine the yield and cost of production. Positive results of lighted...

Lactobacillus acidophilus D2/CSL (CECT4529): 35 years of Italian research (1985-2020)

The history of the probiotic strain Lactobacillus acidophilus D2/CSL (CECT 4529) follows that of many strains produced by Centro Sperimentale del Latte and acts...

Poultry house climate

Poultry climate is a key factor in faming. High temperatures and a high humidity: in Germany, short periods in the summer months where temperatures...

Best practice in biosecurity

How to effectively manage and reinforce best practice in biosecurity on broiler farms This article examines best practice in broiler production, focusing specifically on biosecurity....

Resources and tools to write a good biosecurity plan

Poultry industries in the United States (U.S.) have been in a unique situation after the 2014-2015 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) outbreak. Analysis and epidemiology of the...

Performance benefits of probiotic and protease in broilers subject to Eimeria challenge

Consumer pressure and government regulations are driving US poultry industry to remove antibiotic growth promoter (AGP) from poultry production. Nutrition program including feed additives is...

Clostridial Dermatitis

Clostridial Dermatitis is a disease of economic concern in turkeys. Clostridium perfringens and Clostridium septicum have been isolated consistently from dermatitis lesions in turkeys....

Efficacy and economics of oral fluralaner for the treatment of northern fowl mites in...

Once mites are observed in one area of the barn they tend to progressively spread to the whole barn and subsequently to the next...

Early embryonic mortality

At the moment an egg is laid, the embryo already consists of 30-60,000 cells. The death of some of them – for example under...

A dose response of a heat stable phytase on broiler performance and nutrient digestibility

Phytases have been heavily researched for decades and been used commercially since the early 1990s. Phytase from microbial origin is therefore added to monogastric...

Minimizing interventions for turkey beak treatment in Germany

Germany wants to play a leading role in Europe in poultry and turkey welfare issues. Fundamental changes have been made to husbandry systems during...

Heat stress causes inhibition of Eimeria replication in broilers

Eimeria infection is one of the most important diseases affecting poultry production, and is characterized by bloody or watery diarrhea, weight loss, poor feed...

Research examines alternative feeding programs and photostimulation periods for broiler breeders

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announce the completion of a funded research project at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia, in which researchers...

A practical approach to broiler breeder management in the absence of beak treatment –...

In the absence of beak treatment management strategies, which ensure appropriate bird development and growth and the provision of adequate environment and stimuli, which...

Ileal amino acids digestibility in response to increasing phytase dose or MCP levels in...

Commercial broiler feed is formulated mainly with plant based ingredients including cereals and oil seeds. These ingredients provide low available P because 70-80% of...

Low protein diets supplemented with glycine, glutamine or arginine for broilers

A previous study highlighted differences between a low protein (LP) diet and a higher concentration of amino acids (AA) for intestinal permeability and performance...

Effect of ammonia on the immune response to infectious bronchitis virus vaccination

Commercial broilers in the grow-out stage are commonly exposed to ammonia which can have an effect on infectious bronchitis virus vaccination. Ammonia concentrations are...

The importance of gut microbiota in chickens

Recent expansion in knowledge about the influence of microbiota on health and disease started a major research revolution in the area. Intestinal systems of...

Low protein diets in broilers

Some recent research at the Arkansas Agriculture Experiment Station Poultry Research Farm has been focused on low protein diets in broilers. Many nutritionists rely...

A new poultry research center at the University of Bristol

A state-of-the art poultry research centre offering specialist, industry-focused research into both laying hen and broiler health, welfare, behavior and productivity has recently been...

EU Compound feed production in 2021 – Market Outlook 2022

Industrial compound feed production in the EU remained stable in 2021. Looking forward, the spread of animal diseases and the continuing global grain market...

Welfare and cost benefits through automated grading and vaccination

Evaluation of working time requirements of different grading and vaccination processes. One of the most important measures for the quality of poultry breeding stock is...

Energy-efficiency in pre-conditioning inlet air for setters and hatchers

Hatcheries are found in a variety of climates, from the hot, humid tropics of South East Asia to hot, arid zones in the Middle...

Transcriptomic modifications caused by subclinical necrotic enteritis in broiler chickens

Phasing out of in-feed antibiotics in the poultry industry has caused necrotic enteritis (NE) to become a primary concern in commercial poultry production in...

The trifecta for a sustainable production

To meet the needs of an additional three billion people over the next 35 years and to prevent further escalation of global poverty, agricultural production must double during this time. In meeting the increased demand for food, the interdependence between water, food and energy will become more evident and highlight resource insecurities.

Reducing undigested protein available at the intestinal wall on broilers

An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of supplementing an inherently thermo stable protease in broilers fed diets based on single raw materials,...

Replacing soy in broiler diets. Effect on performance, carcass yield and cost of production

The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of replacing soybean meal (SBM) in broiler diets on performance, carcass quality and...

Marel Poultry: Unrivalled reliability at all-time high speed

Marel Poultry is taking into account the fast growing and urbanizing world population, the production of poultry meat is expected to increase considerably. Processing...

The relationship between sperm function and diet – Toms are what they eat

It is well known that cryopreserved semen could be used to regenerate commercial or research poultry lines; however, fertility rates from poultry semen frozen...

Isoquinoline alkaloids lower the prevalence of salmonella Heidelberg in broiler chickens

Worldwide, tens of millions human cases are reported every year for salmonellosis. This makes it one of the most common foodborne diseases, which can...

Research provides new understanding of ILT vaccines

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announce the completion of a funded research project at the University of Delaware in Newark, Delaware, in which researchers...

The effect of electrolyte supplementation on behaviour and performance of broilers

The present experiment was designed to investigate the effects of electrolyte supplementation in alleviating the harmful effects of high temperature for one day prior...

Best practice in management

How management best practice can help support profitability on broiler farms In partnership with Cobb, this new series of articles will examine best practice in...

Intestinal barrier function – A case to be studied in reduced protein diets

Maintaining intestinal health and growth remains a concern as demands increase to limit the use of antibiotics in poultry production. There is also an...

Reducing water usage in turkey processing

Virginia Poultry recently installed several liquid/solids separation screens for reducing water usage in its turkey feather and offal processing. The two new primary and...

In-ovo corticosterone alters body composition in 35 day old chi-cken meat birds

Increasing evidence suggests early-life exposure to maternal stress can permanently alter thedevelopment of an embryo. Such findings have significant application to the chicken meat...

The importance of fresh air

Vostermans Ventilation is addressing the need for even distribution of fair and heat in the poultry house, to obtain an optimal uniform microclimate on...

Host and microbial biomarkers for intestinal health and disease in broilers

New tools can be used to determine the gut health status of animals and to predict animal performance or to make a decision whether...

The effect of on-range insect feeding on range usage of free range laying hens

In Australia, on-range feeding of free-range laying hens can be frequently observed and is especially common in mobile sheds. While the biosecurity risk of...

Breeding strategies explained

Different opinions exist when it is about breeding and selecting chicken breeds for egg production. Our strategy has always been to select for the...

Water quality guidelines for turkeys

Turkeys typically consume twice as much water as feed, so it is important to provide a clean, healthy water supply. Water not only serves...

NSP enzymes, gut microbiota and fermentation products

Arabinoxylans account for 50-70% of the NSP feed enzymes present in cereal grains and make up the majority of cell wall NSP in corn,...

Pathogenesis of egg infections by Salmonella – First Part

Salmonella is an invasive bacterial genus and colonizes the gut of chickens, and systemically spreads to internal organs, including the reproductive tract, potentially leading...

Sentinel Birds: An old strategy that can enhance current diagnostic tools

The use of sentinel birds such as specific-pathogen-free (SPF) leghorns has been used extensively to learn about local presence of pathogens in farms, either...

Can xylanase inhibitors affect the efficacy of xylanases in poultry diets?

Xylanase inhibitors are reported to be widely present in cereals, and can influence the assay of supplemental xylanases in feeds. In the present study, a...

Blackhead disease: development of molecular tests and an in vitro assay to identify reservoirs...

This research project developed diagnostic assays needed for advancing the understanding of blackhead disease. The article shows clearly how the disease most likely spreads...

Role of dietary calcium in Necrotic Enteritis development and pathogenesis

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announce the completion of a funded research project at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas, in which the...

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