IFIF: Better nutrition for improved animal health

The International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF) underlined its commitment to supporting efforts by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) to strengthen animal health...

Mycoplasma Synoviae, a technical update

Mycoplasma are the smallest free-living organisms both in size and number of genes, and unlike many other bacteria, they do not have a cell...

Black soldier fly larvae in meat chicken diets modifies the fatty acid profile in...

Black soldier fly (BSF) larvae are a promising alternative feed ingredient for monogastrics,includingpoultry.However,theimpactoffeedingBSFlarvaeinbroilerdietson the fatty acid profile of the breast chicken meat remains unknown.  This...

Measuring egg shell quality

Maintaining egg shell quality is important for maximizing production of broiler chicks from breeders as shell quality and hatchability go hand in hand. Thin...

Innovation is the key for sustainability

Today it is important innovation, and it is the main way to sustainability. Here, we introduce René and Jolanda van Doren who have together...

The selection element in whole grain feeding regimes

Seven dietary treatments consisting of a ground grain control and six treatments with pre- and post-pellet whole grain inclusions of 7.5, 15.0 and 30.0%...

Dietary approaches to control Necrotic Enteritis in broilers

Necrotic Enteritis (NE) occurs in broilers due to an overabundance of C. perfringens and is usually associated with predisposing factors which include coccidial challenge,...

Reducing water usage in turkey processing

Virginia Poultry recently installed several liquid/solids separation screens for reducing water usage in its turkey feather and offal processing. The two new primary and...

Phytase efficacy in young turkeys versus young broilers

Based on tibia-ash content, equivalency between phytase enzymes with young turkeys appeared to be similar with young broilers. An extensive review about “microbial phytase...

How to house happy birds by Vencomatic Group

Happy birds produce best. Aviary systems were invented to provide laying hens with maximum freedom, while using floor space efficiently. Aviaries consist of multiple...

How to ensure a better sustainability in breeding

Aviagen underlines commitment to International Poultry Council’s five priority Sustainable Development Goals for breeding. The International Poultry Council (IPC) has prioritized five of the United...

Drought impacts on plant ground cover on a free range egg farm

In this study drought conditions were experienced and was high-lighted the difficulty for farms in maintaining green ground cover during adverse dry conditions. Introduction Maintaining vegetation...

How Necrotic Enteritis affects animal’ welfare and performance

Necrotic Enteritis (NE) affected flocks have poor enteric health and nutrient digestibility leading to decreased performance and increased excretion of nutrients. Evidence suggests that...

Quick molt diets and programs

Induced molting is a process conducted by many commercial egg producers to extend the productive life of the laying hen. The main objective of...

Effects of light intensity on broiler welfare, productivity and leg health

Researchers investigated the welfare implications of behavioural changes induced by varying light programs. Here the effects of light intensity on broiler welfare and productivity are reported.

Incubation temperatures influence muscle growth and energy in broiler embryos

In ovo embryogenesis in broiler can be modulated by alteration of external factors, like the incubation temperatures, as shown in several publications. Embryonic myogenesis in...

Egg incubation influences leg health in broilers

Up to 30% of late growth meat broilers demonstrate reduced levels of locomotion, which is cause for concern for both the industry and chicken...

Informative Processing School in Malaysia

A highly successful four-day processing school was held in Malaysia for Aviagen® personnel to improve their knowledge and understanding of the impact of the...

Carcass picking: removing the feathers and protecting the quality

The poultry feathers are non-edible and need to be thoroughly removed during processing. The defeathering consists of moving the carcasses along the picking line...

Nutritional modulation of broiler intestine in the starter period and intestinal integrity

Gut health which is characterized by intestinal integrity, intestinal microflora, mucin and enterocyte functionality, may be of greatest concern among poultry producers because it...

Housing systems in laying hen husbandry- First part

A status report This analysis is an abridged version of a report which the author prepared for the International Egg Commission (IEC) in London, UK. In...

Turkey Breeding – Making the most of genetic potential

Genetic potential Successful and profitable turkey production occurs across a wide range of production systems and farming environments. Breed choice, farming facilities, equipment, management, nutrition...

Enhancing biosecurity using flow analysis and Danish entry concepts

The term Danish entry is commonly used to describe entryways to livestock buildings that help people enter barns in a relatively bio secure way...

The role of early experience on the behavior of hens housed in cage-free aviaries

Understanding the consequences of rearing experiences on the behavior and bone integrity of laying hens can help inform solutions to animal welfare and management...

Ammonia control during brooding begins when previous flock ends

The level of ammonia young chicks will be exposed to during the first week of their lives is determined to a large extent by...

The Finnish Landrace Breed and a successful conservation program in Finland

Finnish landrace breed chicken is classified as a light egg layer. Meat is also consumed subsistence production and it is described as tasteful. There is...

Challenges and opportunities in establishing a new turkey parent stock operation in a remote...

The Russian turkey market has shown substantial growth during the last decade with new and very large companies willing and able to invest considerable...

How can the poultry industry become carbon neutral?

Following the Paris climate agreement (COP21), countries and agricultural supply chain companies are setting targets towards net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050....

Investigation of nutritional diseases at the veterinary diagnostic lab

Here below the role the veterinary diagnostic laboratory can play in helping to confirm nutritional diseases in a flock has been described. Regardless issues...

Higher egg quality with Bolegg Terrace

Poultry farmer Klaasjan Salomons is very satisfied with the Bolegg Terrace system. Klaasjan: “In the end, it is about the egg quality and it’s now...

DNA region in chickens identified for disease resistance

One region in the DNA explains a large difference in possible disease resistance betweenchickens. This was discovered by researchers of Wageningen University & Research...

Foodborne pathogens in poultry production

Foodborne pathogens continue as a considerable threat to public health. Intensification of livestock production, especially poultry, facilitates diseases transmission by increasing population size and...

Biosecurity and surveillance in times of Avian Influenza

Biosecurity is today a primary factor in farming. The poultry world has entered a new era driven by increasingly demanding consumer and regulatory expectations....

The declining trend of salmonellosis cases in the EU has levelled off

Cases of Salmonella Enteritidis acquired in the EU have increased in humans by 3% since 2014 says the report, which is compiled by the...

UK Veterinary Vaccinology Network

Veterinary researchers from around the world came together at this year’s joint UK & International Veterinary Vaccinology Network Conference on the 9-10 January 2019...

Effects of beta glucans in poultry health and nutrition

Immune modulators such as beta glucans have today a major role in poultry production. The poultry production industry has seen astonishing improvements over the past...

Heat stress causes inhibition of Eimeria replication in broilers

Eimeria infection is one of the most important diseases affecting poultry production, and is characterized by bloody or watery diarrhea, weight loss, poor feed...

Sentinel Birds: An old strategy that can enhance current diagnostic tools

The use of sentinel birds such as specific-pathogen-free (SPF) leghorns has been used extensively to learn about local presence of pathogens in farms, either...

Integrated Microfluidic Device for rapid Avian Influenza virus capture

Rapid detection of avian influenza virus (AIV) is highly desirable during outbreaks or routine AIV surveillance. In this project, the preliminary results in developing a...

Marel Poultry, worry-free transfer performance up to 15,000 bph

For contemporary poultry processing plants, Marel Poultry has developed LineLink transfer systems, particularly suitable for capacities up to 15,000 bph. LineLink DE transfers products...

Jansen Poultry Equipment: the perfect solution for cage-free egg production

Consumers demand for cage-free egg production is growing worldwide. Europe already adopted cage free egg production systems and it seems that the US is following rapidly starting with Oregon, Washington. Also in New Zealand and Australia animal welfare is a main topic of discussion.

Growth begins in the gut

In the race to replace antibiotics on Canadian poultry farms, some producers have successfully adopted yeast-based prebiotic supplements. But there’s more potential to enhance...

Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) vaccines produced in eggs have unpredictable mutations

Scientists at The Pirbright Institute have shown that infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) vaccines produced in eggs have unpredictable mutations which may be prone to...

Incubation and the role of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in embryo development

The practice, or “art”, of artificially incubation of the avian egg dates back some 3,000 years to the ancient Egyptian mud/brick oven type rooms...

How Xylanase can improve performance of a broiler diet

Whilst xylanase rich NSP-enzymes are used consistently in wheat based diets the question remains whether the positive response seen can be ascribed solely to...

Variable speed tunnel fans

Since October 2017, a study has been underway to examine the use of variable-speed tunnel fans to reduce fan operating cost. The study is...

Feeding management of broiler breeders

Modern strains of fast-growing broilers have been selected for fast growth, feed efficiency and high feed intake, and broilers are processed once they achieve...

Meta-analysis of genetic parameters of feed conversion and related traits in chickens

The objective of this study was to estimate the impact of some factors on heritability estimates of body weight (BW), feed conversion ratio (FCR), feed intake (FI),...

On farm slaughter

Commercial on farm slaughter could eliminate many potential animal welfare issues associated with cooping, transport, dumping, and shackling of live broilers. However, concerns regarding...

How do coccidiosis challenges influence lipid digestibility and energy utilisation?

Coccidiosis continues to be one of the most pervasive and economically detrimental diseases in commercial poultry production. Controlling this enteric disease is an even...

Active and passive Salmonella surveillance systems

Two surveillance systems have been established in France for the monitoring of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica isolated from the agro-food...

A practical approach to broiler breeder management in the absence of beak treatment –...

In the absence of beak treatment adhering to proven and agreed best practice management practices is key. The roles of good stockmanship and promoting...

Lactobacillus acidophilus D2/CSL (CECT4529): 35 years of Italian research (1985-2020)

The history of the probiotic strain Lactobacillus acidophilus D2/CSL (CECT 4529) follows that of many strains produced by Centro Sperimentale del Latte and acts...

New animal welfare labelling system

The conclusions of the animal welfare labelling subgroup of the Commission’s Animal Welfare Platform were released. Copa and Cogeca welcomes the main conclusions of...

VAL-CO, clean and dry feed from delivery to consumption

A VAL-CO feed storage and transport system is designed to keep feed clean and dry from delivery to consumption. Store your feed in our...

Artificial structures mitigate simulated adverse pop-hole conditions

There is some evidence that commercial meat chickens prefer to access the range through ‘favoured’ pop-holes; however what makes pop-holes attractive or aversive is...

Turkey farming – A brief review of welfare and husbandry issues

A literature review was undertaken to examine welfare issues in the turkey farming sector. The major issues are diseases, poor locomotion due to high...

Peak food and our quest for an ethical and ecologically sustainable production

Crude analyses of sustainable global resource use suggest that the peak rate year for commercial poultry production was reached in 2006 while projections indicate...

How an automatic flushing system can reduce the use of antibiotics

Consumers worldwide start to worry about the use of antibiotics in livestock production and their effect on human health. Antibiotic-free chicken is increasingly becoming...

Back to basics: we need to concentrate on basic management skills

As we move to using less antibiotics in the production of poultry, many alternative products have been developed. While some are affective in specific...

Management of chicken manure

The laying hen produces an average of 150 to 200 g of fresh manure, which is considered a source of pollution due to the...

On-farm control of campylobacter

Campylobacteriosis, primarily caused by the consumption of contaminated chicken products, accounts for the majority of food poisoning cases in Europe and many other developed...

The benefits of nipple drinker catch trays

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announced the completion of a funded research project at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia, in which researchers...

Managing eggs and chicks from young breeders

First week mortality is often higher in chicks from very young breeders (25-30 weeks) than in chicks from older breeders. What causes these chicks...

Towards practical methods for assessing ILTV vaccine take

In response to ILTV outbreaks, live vaccines are typically administered at 7-14 days of age in drinking water via nipple drinkers which may not...

Intra Chickpaper: double grip prevents legs to slip in chicks

Splayed legs in chicks is a condition that occurs in newly hatched chicks. It is caused by a weakness or injury in the tendons...

Research reveals method to improve Escherichia coli vaccines

A funded research project at the University of Georgia in Athens, Ga. was completed, in which researchers revealed a method to improve Escherichia coli...

Water quality critical to broiler performance

Water is the most important nutrient for poultry. Although the necessity of providing a plentiful supply and sufficient access is well understood, the importance...

Essential oils – Opportunities to improve food safety in organic poultry production and processing.

Organic poultry – A growing sector with challenges Poultry is the most widely available organic meat in the U.S. and predicted to have increased consumer...

The economic importance of the abdominal fat pad

In an integrated chicken meat producing company, the processing plant is the only revenue-generating area, whose worth-making capability depends strongly on the performance of...

TrayTrack, a unique inline overhead concept for optimum tray logistics

The traceability of trays Once trays have been filled with product, poultry processors will often be faced with how to transport them to packaging equipment...

Pathogenesis of egg infections by Salmonella – First Part

Salmonella is an invasive bacterial genus and colonizes the gut of chickens, and systemically spreads to internal organs, including the reproductive tract, potentially leading...

Protein nutrition of breeders to improve production, hatchability and offspring performance – First Part

The last decades, poultry meat is becoming the most important protein sources in human diet and production is worldwide growing. Global poultry meat production...

Evaluation of a novel slow-growing strain for chicken meat

The slow-growing broiler (SGB) strain offers an alternative chicken meat choice, while appealing to the ‘niche’ market and attracting a premium price. SGBs have...

Lowering dietary calcium and available phosphorus in broilers

The aim of this trial was to investigate the effect of lowering dietary calcium (Ca) and available phosphorus (av.P) during Starter (0 to 10d),...

A new research shows persistent Salmonella strains on processing equipment

The USPOULTRY Foundation announce the completion of a funded research project at Clemson University in Clemson, S.C., in which Dr. Kay Cooksey and other...

Exterior and interior strategies for rodent control

As the weather cools, rodents seek refuge indoors where there is easy access to food and water. Rodents are vectors for spreading disease, which...

Trouw Nutrition presents research during the Poultry Science Association Meeting

Synergistic use of different feed additives may support producers’ antibiotic reduction programmes. Reducing antibiotic use in poultry production is an urgent objective shared by stakeholders...

New technologies in housing, equipment and computer controls

The poultry housing and equipment industry continues to develop, introducing new technologies in line with trends in modern communications and ventilation systems. As expected...

Spotty Liver Disease in cage-free brown laying hens

Missouri has a large amount of egg production that uses alternative housing methods such as cage-free farming. The development of the alternative systems began...

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