SKA alternative layers farming

SKA of Italy offers a wide range of solutions for layer farming, ranging from aviary systems to communal nesting systems. Each one proven and tested to deliver excellent field results.

Does negative pressure created by exhaust fans affect poultry?

Most poultry are raised in houses that use a negative pressure ventilation systems to aid in maintaining air quality, house temperature, and air movement....

Red mite problem greatly reduced with Q-Perch

Red mites are parasites that are found on average 83% of the European poultry farms. They weaken the laying hens, which can lead to...

VALLI housing systems

VALLI’s products not only live up to everything they promise but, above all, the solutions provided by the Italian company take into account all the issues involved in order to meet the requirements of an increasingly conscious and demanding customers.

Developing and implementing Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOPs)

As part of the modernization programs at USDA, FSIS is amending the egg products inspection regulations and is now requiring plants that produce egg...

Ventilation of poultry houses with outdoor access

A primary goal in raising poultry is meeting the bird’s basic needs with regards to adequate temperature, air quality, food, water, light and protection...

“BALTIKA”: guaranteed comfort for laying hens

TEXHA housing alternative system BALTIKA meets all the European requirements and has already been implemented by the European poultry farms

The importance of fresh air

Vostermans Ventilation is addressing the need for even distribution of fair and heat in the poultry house, to obtain an optimal uniform microclimate on...

How an automatic flushing system can reduce the use of antibiotics

Consumers worldwide start to worry about the use of antibiotics in livestock production and their effect on human health. Antibiotic-free chicken is increasingly becoming...

General overview and installation of light traps in broiler breeder rearing

Designing a ventilation system for a dark out tunnel ventilated rearing house can be challenging. There are many different models and designs of light...

Omaz launches OMAZ Controller Plus

Omaz Controller Plus has been designed for the intelligent control of poultry house equipment and engineering. OMAZ, an industry leader within this business sector with...

Biosecurity, before the beginning…

Almost all of us, the poultry people, know what biosecurity is about. For the investors, it means spending lots of money to prevent disasters,...

Lubing presents the new Intermediate drive 2.0 for its egg conveyor systems

Lubing starts its 2022 with a novelty: the new intermediate drive, which was completely redesigned and makes the use of egg conveyors even smoother...

Higher egg quality with Bolegg Terrace

Poultry farmer Klaasjan Salomons is very satisfied with the Bolegg Terrace system. Klaasjan: “In the end, it is about the egg quality and it’s now...

Lasers prevent the spreading of the Avian Influenza virus

Wageningen University released their research on a poultry farm that suffered visits from wild waterfowl, which are a source of Avian Influenza virus. The...

Roxell launches Siroc Sterling™ space heater for tall poultry houses

Roxell, the leading manufacturer of automated feeding, drinking, nesting and heating systems, is expanding its range of convection heaters for poultry houses with the...

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