Field vaccination against ILT in broiler chickens: lack of consistency

When vaccination against infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) is necessary in broiler flocks, mass administration techniques are required due to the sheer numbers of birds involved....

Innovation is the key for sustainability

Today it is important innovation, and it is the main way to sustainability. Here, we introduce René and Jolanda van Doren who have together...

Effect of two different fibre sources on growth and immune function in grower layer-pullets

This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of two different fibre sources on pullet growth, gut immune tissue, and lymphocyte proliferation of strain...

The specific requirements and sensitivities of turkey egg incubation

Turkey eggs have a high incubation success rate when all the species-specific areas of incubation are managed correctly. Hence, a suite of incubation equipment...

Optimal fat utilisation by Intra Liposol at broilers

It is difficult - especially for young animals - to optimally digest the range of fats and oils in the diet. This leads to...

Corn co-products in broilers

The expansion of the ethanol industry has increased the availability of a variety of corn co-products as feedstuffs for livestock and poultry. Of the...

A new research shows persistent Salmonella strains on processing equipment

The USPOULTRY Foundation announce the completion of a funded research project at Clemson University in Clemson, S.C., in which Dr. Kay Cooksey and other...

Seminars highlighting innovations in broiler farming

Two interesting specialist seminars for broiler farming were held on the 16th and 17th of November in Visbek and Hamm, Germany. The companies BEST3,...

The effects of diet and epigenetic alterations on the gut microbiome, inflammation and poultry...

The gut microbiota is a fundamental force influencing diverse aspects of avian physiology. Microbiome studies are at a critical juncture and facing a challenging...

Flip-overs: causes and solutions in brooding

The poult start is an extension of the hatching process. The whole process, including poult placement, is only as strong as its weakest link. William...

On-farm control of campylobacter

Campylobacteriosis, primarily caused by the consumption of contaminated chicken products, accounts for the majority of food poisoning cases in Europe and many other developed...

Managing eggs and chicks from young breeders

First week mortality is often higher in chicks from very young breeders (25-30 weeks) than in chicks from older breeders. What causes these chicks...

Microbiological consequences of different housing systems for laying hens, with particular reference to Salmonella...

A significant proportion of human illnesses caused by Salmonella are linked to the consumption of contaminated eggs. In response, substantial government and private industry...

Performance, immunity and blood biochemical parameters of broiler chickens fed diets containing Kappaphycus alvarezii

Kappaphycus alvarezii (KPA) can be incorporated at 1.50% in diets for improved performance, immuno-responsiveness and blood biochemical parameters in broiler chickens. Introduction Kappaphycus alvarezii (KPA) is...

Farmers’ perceived importance of biosecurity practices and actual performance on farm

It is prudent in today’s age that farmers uphold high-level compliance of biosecurity practices on Australian commercial chicken farms. This is especially so with...

Management best practices: small details can have the big-gest impact

Raising turkeys is equal parts science and art. It involves precise measurement of various factors throughout the life of the flock. It also requires...

Dietary approaches to control Necrotic Enteritis in broilers

Necrotic Enteritis (NE) occurs in broilers due to an overabundance of C. perfringens and is usually associated with predisposing factors which include coccidial challenge,...

Natural antioxidants in poultry production

From vitamins to vitagenes - First part In general, there are four major types of stress in poultry production: technological, environmental, nutritional and internal stresses....

Navel practicalities

A well-closed navel is one of the most important and easily visible signs of chick quality. In a good quality chick, the navel is...

Light intensity and led lights

Light intensity can be measured in three ways: luminous intensity, luminous flux and luminous power. Led Lights are here analyzed. Luminous flux is the total...

Biodiversity – breeding choice for the markets of today and tomorrow

In this article, Aviagen® Ltd R & D Manager Brendan Duggan discusses the second of Aviagen’s Top 5 Commitments, Biodiversity, and how this commitment...

New technologies in housing, equipment and computer controls

The poultry housing and equipment industry continues to develop, introducing new technologies in line with trends in modern communications and ventilation systems. As expected...

Stork inline thigh filleting up to high capacities

Thigh meat consumption on the rise - a global trend The market for thigh filleting is opening up, offering plenty of opportunities worldwide. To benefit...

Seeking sustainability in the poultry industry

Becoming sustainable is a must for long-term viability and profitability, and the poultry industry has to meet the needs of the industry, consumers, and...

A new view of how class I molecules fight diseases

Classical class I molecules of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) play crucial roles in defence against viruses. The class I molecules bind pieces of protein...

Lowering dietary calcium and available phosphorus in broilers

The aim of this trial was to investigate the effect of lowering dietary calcium (Ca) and available phosphorus (av.P) during Starter (0 to 10d),...

Isolation, bioactivity and applications of sulfated polysaccharides from poultry by-products

The broiler chicken meat processing industry produces a large amount of poultry byproducts rich in connective tissue (i.e. keel cartilage, skin, and bone residues),...

Air cell up when setting eggs!

It is important to pay attention to the orientation of the eggs when placing them on setter trays as this has quite an impact...

Pre-harvest interventions and implications of safety for turkey processing

Increasing consumer attention toward low fat, high protein diets, and demand for healthy foods has led to a significant increase in the production and...

Transcriptomic modifications caused by subclinical necrotic enteritis in broiler chickens

Phasing out of in-feed antibiotics in the poultry industry has caused necrotic enteritis (NE) to become a primary concern in commercial poultry production in...

A cost-effective poultry feed additives solution to partially replace vitamin E

Livestock producers typically use feed additives such as vitamin E to increase the antioxidant capacity of animals and minimise economic losses. Recently, the price of...

Bacterial bile salt hydrolase for a good microbiota

However, limiting antibiotics use could compromise animal production efficiency and health. Thus, there is an urgent need to develop effective alternatives to antibiotic growth...

The Salmonella initiative

An enduring challenge and reputational issue for the egg industry is caused by the presence of Salmonella enterica serovars (particularly some Typhimurium serotypes), which...

Hot weather management and nutrition

Thermoregulation is the ability of birds to maintain their body temperature across a range of environmental temperatures and in hot weather. Turkeys use a...

Maternal stress, the potential impact on broiler breeders and subsequent chick development

Managing stress in broiler breeders has been a continual topic of discussion since the early 1980’s, but our understanding of stress and its influence...

Maternal derived antibodies have a role on the impact of Original XPC

The objective of this study was to evaluate the role of maternally derived antibodies on the immune-modulatory capacity of XPC on antigen-specific humoral immune...

Gut health

Gut health and the efficient conversion of feed into its basic components for optimal nutrient absorption is vital for both commercial and turkey breeder...

The bioavailability of zinc in poultry: what does literature say?

Zinc bioavailability: zinc is an essential trace element for all the animals, including broilers. In case of deficiency, alteration of growth performance and distortion...

The ability of meat chickens to extract energy from wheat

The apparent metabolisable energy (MJ/kg dry matter) values for wheats were determined in two conventional energy balance experiments on meat chickens. A blend of...

Rapid in vitro antimicrobial screening assay against Campylobacter

Research was undertaken to adapt a multi-well antimicrobial assay as a fast and reliable method to screen large numbers of plant extract treatments against...

Optimal outdoor stocking density in free-range hens

Consumer concern for laying hen welfare is leading to an increase in alternative housing systems that provide valued resources designed to cater to hens’...

The challenge of feeding modern broiler breeders

Broiler breeders are expected to produce about 150 chicks in 40 weeks of production and even though it is commonly believed that selection for...

Mycoplasma Synoviae, a technical update

Mycoplasma are the smallest free-living organisms both in size and number of genes, and unlike many other bacteria, they do not have a cell...

Reduction of Salmonella and Campylobacter on raw poultry

by improving the killing effect of surface decontaminating solutions In the United States, poultry is the most highly consumed meat and its consumption has grown...

Requirement of digestible calcium at different dietary concentrations of digestible phosphorus for broiler growers

An experiment was conducted to determine the digestible calcium (Ca) and digestible phosphorus (P) requirements of 11-24 days old broiler chickens. L.S. David1, M.R. Abdollahi1,...

An alternative method to fight Avian Influenza Virus

A recent project was completed at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, in which researchers developed a mobile system that can inactivate Avian...

Breeding for robustness in turkeys

Turkey breeders have invested in selection methodologies to ensure the commercial cross is capable of delivering outstanding performance with good welfare under a variety...

Poultry litter pasteurisation

Heaping of used poultry litter reliably induces significant elevations in temperature due to the actions of variety of aerobic bacteria and fungi. Temperatures typically...

How much cold pressed canola meal can we use in layer diets?

Canola meal has been available for the layer feed industry in Australia for over 30 years. However, very little has been used due to...

Hatcheries data collection and analysis

Hatcheries collect large quantities of data to monitor performance and to make sure equipment are operating within set operating limits. These data are a valuable...

Comparison of wheat and maize-based diets on growth performance and meat quality of broiler...

Maize and wheat are a major source of energy in broiler diets. Generally, wheat-based diets are offered to broiler chickens in Europe, Australia and...

Intestinal barrier function – A case to be studied in reduced protein diets

Maintaining intestinal health and growth remains a concern as demands increase to limit the use of antibiotics in poultry production. There is also an...

Incubation temperature and how it influences chick hatch time and bone ash

With commercial broilers spending up to 30% of their lifespan in the egg, incubation temperature has been linked to some leg weakness issues. The recommended...

Breast meat quality affected by wooden myopathy

Wooden breast (WB) is a myopathy that affects meat quality traits in modern broilers and it has been associated with an increased BW gain...

Poultry study points to genes linked to food bug

Variation in the response of poultry to Campylobacter helps identify key genes that may provide resistance to infection. Research has identified genes in poultry that...

Holistic view of intestinal health in poultry

The intestinal health of poultry has broad implications for the systemic health of birds, animal welfare, the production efficiency of flocks, food safety, and...

How can the poultry industry become carbon neutral?

Following the Paris climate agreement (COP21), countries and agricultural supply chain companies are setting targets towards net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050....

Dietary starch influences performance of broiler chickens offered low-protein diets

This study suggests that there is interference between the digestion of starch and protein and/or absorption of glucose and amino acids. Paradoxically, the low-protein...

New animal welfare labelling system

The conclusions of the animal welfare labelling subgroup of the Commission’s Animal Welfare Platform were released. Copa and Cogeca welcomes the main conclusions of...

The role of feed additives in the protozoal diseases in poultry

Coccidiosis and histomoniasis are economically significant diseases in chickens and turkeys. Management, vaccination and medication are key tools in the control of these diseases...

Chelated copper compared to antibiotics effect on gut health in broilers

In this study the specific interventions of chelated copper methionine hydroxy analogue (cuMHAC) and a combination of cuMHAC and an effective foregut acidifier were...

Investigating diseases affecting poultry production

Severe diseases such as highly pathogenic avian influenza and velogenic Newcastle disease are still a concern for poultry producers and government agencies alike. Companies...

Alternative systems: pros and cons

Alternative production systems of cage-free or range egg production are increasing in number due to outside influences. The outside constituents forcing this growth are...

Managing coccidiosis in birds raised without antibiotics

For poultry producers to make a profit they must have healthy, uniform sized birds, make sure there are no real or assumed human health...

Ideal amino acids and chicken gut disturbance

There is considerable interest in the development of low protein diets with supplemental amino acids for broiler chickens due to economic, environmental and bird welfare advantages....

Use of commercial premixes with low levels of organic trace minerals on egg production...

Common industry practice is to supply trace minerals well above published recommendations. An experiment was conducted to examine the effects of two commercial premixes...

Understanding and managing water for successful flocks

Water is the single greatest input into the production of poultry products such as eggs and meat. The fact water is a relatively inexpensive...

TrayTrack, a unique inline overhead concept for optimum tray logistics

The traceability of trays Once trays have been filled with product, poultry processors will often be faced with how to transport them to packaging equipment...

Influence of age on the standardised ileal amino acid digestibility of maize and barley...

Grains are the major energy sources in broilers. However, they also supply about 40% of the total dietary protein and contribute significantly to the...

Infectious Bursal Disease antibody levels and viral load in commercial broiler chickens

Infectious bursal disease (IBD) disease is caused by infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) of the genus Avibirna-viridae and family Birna-viridae. IBDV is found worldwide...

Future of coccidiosis management in turkeys

Coccidiosis is a disease that is caused by protozoan parasites that develop within the intestine of most domestic and wild animals and birds. Coccidia...

VALLI housing systems

VALLI’s products not only live up to everything they promise but, above all, the solutions provided by the Italian company take into account all the issues involved in order to meet the requirements of an increasingly conscious and demanding customers.

Visual identification of potential feather pecking

Feather pecking behaviour is common in floor-housed laying hens a behavior, which is positively associated with developing feather pecking habits. It has been suggested that...

Black soldier fly larvae in meat chicken diets modifies the fatty acid profile in...

Black soldier fly (BSF) larvae are a promising alternative feed ingredient for monogastrics,includingpoultry.However,theimpactoffeedingBSFlarvaeinbroilerdietson the fatty acid profile of the breast chicken meat remains unknown.  This...

Phytic acid reduction in canola and camelina meals

Canola and camelina meals have been identified as alternative plant protein sources in place of soybean meal for animal feeding. The use of these...

Best practice in biosecurity

How to effectively manage and reinforce best practice in biosecurity on broiler farms This article examines best practice in broiler production, focusing specifically on biosecurity....

Prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of thermophylic Campylobacters in poultry

Campylobacter spp. is a leading cause of foodborne diarrhea. The most common source of infection is contaminated food, mainly poultry meat. The uncontrolled use of...

Marel Poultry’s AMF-i sets the world’s benchmark

Marel Poultry’s AMF-i innovating the poultry processing. Breast cap deboning is an extremely important stage in any poultry processing plant. During this process, end...

Evaluation of effects of in ovo light stimulation on incubation performance and chick quality...

In sustainable commercial poultry business, hatchability and chick quality are key points that determine the yield and cost of production. Positive results of lighted...

Development of coccidial vaccinal immunity is not impaired by feeding oregano essential oil

Coccidial vaccination is an alternative to medication programmes, although vaccination can lead to impaired performance. The objective of this study was to determine the effect...

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