Impact of layer alternative systems on management and production costs

The use of alternative systems in layer farming has increased in the commercial egg industry due to pressure arising from consumers concerns about hen...

Identification of broiler poultry house dust components using chemical and physical analysis

Dust found in poultry housing is a complex substance most likely comprised of a mixture of excreta, feather, feed and bedding material. M. Ahaduzzaman, L....

Effect of ammonia on the immune response to infectious bronchitis virus vaccination

Commercial broilers in the grow-out stage are commonly exposed to ammonia which can have an effect on infectious bronchitis virus vaccination. Ammonia concentrations are...

How much cold pressed canola meal can we use in layer diets?

Canola meal has been available for the layer feed industry in Australia for over 30 years. However, very little has been used due to...

LED lights in turkey farms

With the rise of the energy efficient light emitting diode – LED – bulbs in today’s market, there is an opportunity to refine...

Controlling water temperature during brooding

Though there is a wide range of opinions on the optimal drinking water temperature for young chicks, the fact is farm managers actually have...

Management of ectoparasites in cage-free housing systems

As cage-free systems become more frequent in poultry production, we are forced to evaluate how pest control measures should adapt to ensure efficacy. The...

Broilers perform better with intermittent lighting programs

Roles of certain parts of the digestive tract of chickens seems to have been lost with the evolution of time and commercial practices. Gizzards...

ERPA, the European rural poultry association to defend rural poultry producers

Rural poultry production is important in volume and has a large social role; it was therefore essential to have a specific organization to represent...

Biosecurity: protecting animal health to sustain the supply chain

Safeguarding animal health is of paramount importance to any country’s economy and food supply. Livestock with a clean health status is an important requirement...

Biosecurity in poultry farming: an effective tool to fight infectious diseases

This is the first of a series of technical articles on biosecurity in poultry farming produced within the European project “NetPoulSafe - Networking European...

Protein nutrition of breeders to improve production, hatchability and offspring performance – First Part

The last decades, poultry meat is becoming the most important protein sources in human diet and production is worldwide growing. Global poultry meat production...

The effect of on-range insect feeding on range usage of free range laying hens

In Australia, on-range feeding of free-range laying hens can be frequently observed and is especially common in mobile sheds. While the biosecurity risk of...

Best practice in management

How management best practice can help support profitability on broiler farms In partnership with Cobb, this new series of articles will examine best practice in...

Understanding poultry lighting

A short guide to poultry lighting for layer farmers

Navigating an antibiotic-free and reduced antibiotic use poultry industry

Antibiotics are a type of antimicrobial medication used to treat infections caused by bacteria. In the 1930s, a sulfonamide was the first commercially available...

Alternative housing system’s impact on feeding pullets and layers

In order to satisfy consumer demands for their food to be produced a more “humane” manner the retail outlets are pushing the egg industry...

Poultry house environmental control during cold weather

Most people think minimum ventilation in a poultry house is all about air quality but that is only partially correct. First one should define...

Optimal outdoor stocking density in free-range hens

Consumer concern for laying hen welfare is leading to an increase in alternative housing systems that provide valued resources designed to cater to hens’...

Minimizing antibiotic use in broiler production

Many countries are being asked to reduce or eliminate antibiotic use in poultry, due to growing concerns about the use of antibiotics in food-producing...

Managing heat and minimum ventilation systems in the broiler house

When outside temperatures drop and gas prices rise, maintaining the desired inside broiler house air temperature and ventilating to meet air quality needs can...

Best practice in egg production

How robust management and proactive measures can drive best practice for egg production on poultry farms. In partnership with Cobb, this article examines best practice...

The Finnish Landrace Breed and a successful conservation program in Finland

Finnish landrace breed chicken is classified as a light egg layer. Meat is also consumed subsistence production and it is described as tasteful. There is...

Poultry litter pasteurisation

Heaping of used poultry litter reliably induces significant elevations in temperature due to the actions of variety of aerobic bacteria and fungi. Temperatures typically...

The challenging world of a primary breeder, matching genetic programs to market requirements

It is Hubbard’s genetic commitment to offer a wide range of products ranging from conventional cost-efficient broilers to slow(er) growing Premium chickens. It is...

Windrowing properly done

Windrowing litter between flocks has been used commercially since the 1980’s and continues to evolve to meet numerous production challenges. The goal is to...

Egg bacteriological study

Eggs from 10 commercial brands were selected in different types of housing: cage and on the floor (free of cage) obtained from 4 supermarket...

The importance of monitoring chicks water usage

Getting chicks off to a good start is very important to overall flock performance. At no time does a bird grow faster than during...

Researchers evaluate the effects of heat stress in poults

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announced the completion of a funded research project at North Carolina State University in which researchers evaluated the effects...

Understanding egg quality

Egg quality is multi-faceted, with physical, functional, and microbial aspects contributing to egg quality. Research has shown that many factors impact egg quality including...

Welfare and cost benefits through automated grading and vaccination

Evaluation of working time requirements of different grading and vaccination processes. One of the most important measures for the quality of poultry breeding stock is...

How preheating temperature can affect litter drying

One of the purposes of preheating a broiler house is to ensure the litter is properly dried prior to chick placement. Research has shown...

Management of slow growing broilers for profit

Chicken is consumed in larger quantities than either beef or pork largely due to its relatively low fat and high protein content when compared...

Best practice in broiler house management

How the right technology and proactive management can ensure best practice in housing on broiler farms In partnership with Cobb, this article examines best practice...

Minimizing interventions for turkey beak treatment in Germany

Germany wants to play a leading role in Europe in poultry and turkey welfare issues. Fundamental changes have been made to husbandry systems during...

Eco-friendly heating for efficient poultry breeding

The new standards for commercial poultry breeding have been requiring more sustainable, efficient and cleaner technologies. Along with it, the organic poultry production is...

Efficacy and economics of oral fluralaner for the treatment of northern fowl mites in...

Once mites are observed in one area of the barn they tend to progressively spread to the whole barn and subsequently to the next...

Biosecurity practices and investments implemented by today’s poultry producers

One brick higher The 2015 outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus devastated the United States poultry industry. A novel Eurasian-North American H5N2 was...

Enhancing turkey welfare one step at a time

Researchers of Wageningen Livestock Research have been able to define when a turkey takes a step. This is an important milestone to automating gait...

Best practice in biosecurity

How to effectively manage and reinforce best practice in biosecurity on broiler farms This article examines best practice in broiler production, focusing specifically on biosecurity....

Intra Chickpaper: double grip prevents legs to slip in chicks

Splayed legs in chicks is a condition that occurs in newly hatched chicks. It is caused by a weakness or injury in the tendons...

Research shows limited effectiveness for two darkling beetle control products

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announce the completion of a funded research project at the University of Georgia in Athens, Ga., in which researchers...

Housing systems in laying hen husbandry – second part

A status report This analysis is an abridged version of a report which the Author prepared for the International Egg Commission (IEC) in London, UK. In...

Methods for recovery and quantitation of viral nucleic acids from broiler litter

There is a well-recognised problem with both the supply of broiler litter material in some regions, and with the disposal of spent litter. This...


Getting chicks off to a good start is very important to overall flock performance. At no time does a bird grow faster than during...

10 alerting signs of poor ventilation

Proper ventilation is basic in poultry farming as it reduces mortality, stimulates early feed intake, improves flock uniformity, and ensures an adequate temperature regulation. Here...

Big data for poultry. What is possible? – second part

The term big data may at first appear incongruous to animal agriculture. However, by capturing, analysing, reporting and sharing of through-production chain data with...

Cobb suggesting management tips to maximize male fertility

The role of males in poultry breeding is extremely important. Each male is responsible for fertilizing 10 or more females. Each hen produces at...

Improving hens health and productivity

Scientists at Roslin and two other institutions receive funding from FFAR to improve health and productivity of egg-laying hens. The Foundation for Food and Agriculture...

Developing and implementing Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOPs)

As part of the modernization programs at USDA, FSIS is amending the egg products inspection regulations and is now requiring plants that produce egg...

A practical approach to broiler breeder management in the absence of beak treatment –...

In the absence of beak treatment management strategies, which ensure appropriate bird development and growth and the provision of adequate environment and stimuli, which...

Biosecurity and surveillance in times of Avian Influenza

Biosecurity is today a primary factor in farming. The poultry world has entered a new era driven by increasingly demanding consumer and regulatory expectations....

Some common issues of the first week in brooding turkey poults

Turkey poults are very sensitive to environmental conditions and any uncomfortable situation very quickly leads to a problem and even sometimes a disaster. Any...

Partially slotted flooring systems for market toms – What are the possibilities?

Avian influenza virus is stable longer in moist and cool conditions. Depending on seasonal and production conditions barn air and litter (bedding) moisture can...

Farmers’ perceived importance of biosecurity practices and actual performance on farm

It is prudent in today’s age that farmers uphold high-level compliance of biosecurity practices on Australian commercial chicken farms. This is especially so with...

Understanding and managing water for successful flocks

Water is the single greatest input into the production of poultry products such as eggs and meat. The fact water is a relatively inexpensive...

Ventilation and heating issues during cold weather

Many problems during cool and cold weather can be traced to inappropriate ventilation rates. Poor broiler health, respiratory problems, and breast blisters are common...

Spent hens: Can we improve their welfare?

The aim of this study was to observe the improvement in welfare indicators of spent hens kept in three different housing systems. Sixteen Isa...

Higher stocking densities decrease performance without altering turkey meat quality

Quality of turkey meat is important but consumers are also concerned for the well-being of animals raised for meat production. However, some in the...

How to house happy birds by Vencomatic Group

Happy birds produce best. Aviary systems were invented to provide laying hens with maximum freedom, while using floor space efficiently. Aviaries consist of multiple...

Economics of broiler production systems in the Netherlands

In 2017, farmers of conventional, slower growing and biological broiler strains had similar incomes. The so-called ‘middle segment’ systems, the Dutch Retail Broiler (DRB)...

The effect of monochromatic photo-stimulation on growth and reproduction of broiler birds

Broilers in-ovo or with post hatch photo-stimulation with green light (GL) were heavier from dark incubated birds. Furthermore, we defined the cellular and molecular...

In ovo injection of oregano essential oil at different pH affects hatchability and post-hatching...

The dynamic complexity of the developing embryo requires the maintenance of differentiated compartments with the capacity to maintain independent environments required to optimise their...

Resources and tools to write a good biosecurity plan

Poultry industries in the United States (U.S.) have been in a unique situation after the 2014-2015 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) outbreak. Analysis and epidemiology of the...

Cost-effective biosecurity management practices

An effective flock health plan must integrate solid strategies for disease prevention, rapid diagnosis, and effective treatment to support poultry health. To attain this...

Research shows practical method to reduce litter moisture

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announce the completion of a funded research project at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia, in which researchers...

Researchers investigate how laying hens visually perceive the resources in cage-free housing

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announced the completion of a funded research project at Purdue University in which researchers investigated how laying hens visually...

Pre-Placement checklist

Pre-placement house preparation should be part of a proper management to ensure future performance of broilers and farm profitability. The following checklist displays the...

Targeted approaches to achieving good litter quality

Turkeys spend their life in close contact with litter material. The aim is to establish and maintain good, dry litter conditions and an environment...

A practical approach to broiler breeder management in the absence of beak treatment –...

In the absence of beak treatment adhering to proven and agreed best practice management practices is key. The roles of good stockmanship and promoting...

Management techniques for a hot climate

Hot conditions significantly affect the performance of layers, particularly in temperatures higher than 30°C. Getting good technical results requires some adjustments in the management...

Researchers develop practical solar heater for poultry houses

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announce the completion of a funded research project at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, N.C., in which researchers...

Managing bird behaviour in organic production systems

This topic is presented on by John Brunnquell, the founder and current president of Egg Innovations, which is the largest exclusive producer of free...

Breeding for robustness in turkeys

Turkey breeders have invested in selection methodologies to ensure the commercial cross is capable of delivering outstanding performance with good welfare under a variety...

Balancing beetles with the bottom line

Darkling beetles, commonly referred to as litter beetles, are a widely encountered pest for those in the broiler production industry. Litter beetles are holometabolous...

Management best practices: small details can have the big-gest impact

Raising turkeys is equal parts science and art. It involves precise measurement of various factors throughout the life of the flock. It also requires...

Different light sources

The value of regulating the photoperiod of poultry and livestock to stimulate reproduction has been recognized for many years and is used regularly by...

How to minimize peracetic acid exposure in poultry plants

Peracetic acid has been used increasingly in the food and medical industries as a disinfectant, and its use in poultry processing has further enhanced...

Optimal fat utilisation by Intra Liposol at broilers

It is difficult - especially for young animals - to optimally digest the range of fats and oils in the diet. This leads to...

What we do and don’t know related to cage free egg production research

During the early 2000s the pressure was on the U.S. egg industry to increase cage space and to transition from conventional cage systems to...

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