Get the most from your diagnostic laboratory.

A field perspective. You notice the mortality is up this morning in one of your brooder houses. Your first thought might be “better take some birds to...

Resources and tools to write a good biosecurity plan

Poultry industries in the United States (U.S.) have been in a unique situation after the 2014-2015 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) outbreak. Analysis and epidemiology of the...

Test offers fast insight into chickens immunity

Gene activity in blood samples can be used to show individual chickens response against common diseases. Testing could help to breed for disease resistance and help...

Potential to produce poultry feed from food wastes

The annual food waste in Australia is estimated at 7.5 million tonnes with the majority disposed of in landfills. This not only causes significant economic loss...

Phytase efficacy in young turkeys versus young broilers

Based on tibia-ash content, equivalency between phytase enzymes with young turkeys appeared to be similar with young broilers. An extensive review about “microbial phytase...

How can the poultry industry fight global warming while improving its bottom line?

Global warming has become one of the most discussed topics in the last decade. Greta Thunberg, an almost unknown Swedish girl, became an international...

Corn milling efficiency and particle size effects on pullet growth performance

Corn is usually ground locally at the feed mill, while soybean meal is pre-processed and feed mills have little control over its particle size...

Origin of feed ingredients in Dutch compound feeds

Wageningen University and Research (WUR) studied the origin of protein-rich feed ingredients, which in 2018 were applied in Dutch compound feeds. 65% of proteins...

Salmonella prevention strategies and influences of sampling method selection

Multiple factors can influence both Salmonella prevalence and diversity of Salmonella serogroups detected from both pre and post-harvest samples. Sampling methodologies vary widely when...

Pirbright’s livestock coronavirus research

The Pirbright Institute is aware that misinformation regarding the Institute and its research is circulating on social media following an outbreak of a new...

The importance of right incubation temperatures

In this study researchers investigate the importante of right incubation temperature on broiler performance. Up to 30% of late growth meat chickens demonstrate reduced...

Pulmonary Nocardiosis in turkey poults

Nocardiosis is an opportunistic, noncontagious, pyogranulomatous or suppurative disease of domestic animals, wildlife and people. In domestic animals, it causes mastitis, pneumonia (granulomatous lesions...

Rise of Yeast Bioactives expands the toolbox for livestock operators

Canadian Bio-Systems receives Veterinary Health Products approval for Maxi-Nutrio® Liquid, a yeast bioactive technology. An innovative new category of science-powered yeast technology, with dynamic potential to...

How do coccidiosis challenges influence lipid digestibility and energy utilisation?

Coccidiosis continues to be one of the most pervasive and economically detrimental diseases in commercial poultry production. Controlling this enteric disease is an even...

Energy utilization in broilers fed a sorghum-based diets supplemented with phytase and carbohydrases

This study was conducted to evaluate the endogenous enzyme activities and energy utilization of broilers fed sorghum-based diets supplemented with phytase and carbohydrases Broilers were...

Supplementing Bacillus strains in chicken diets

The present study investigated the effects of dietary supplementation of several Bacillus strains on growth performance, intestinal inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines, antioxidants and tight...

Low protein diets supplemented with glycine, glutamine or arginine for broilers

A previous study highlighted differences between a low protein (LP) diet and a higher concentration of amino acids (AA) for intestinal permeability and performance...

Air cell up when setting eggs!

It is important to pay attention to the orientation of the eggs when placing them on setter trays as this has quite an impact...

The importance of gut microbiota in chickens

Recent expansion in knowledge about the influence of microbiota on health and disease started a major research revolution in the area. Intestinal systems of...

Reduction of Salmonella and Campylobacter on raw poultry

by improving the killing effect of surface decontaminating solutions In the United States, poultry is the most highly consumed meat and its consumption has grown...

Low protein diets downregulate hepatic enzymes

Low protein diets have clear benefits for the poultry industry with regards to health, welfare and production. Dean et al., (2006) found that supplementing low...

Sample management and handling for diagnostic testing

Diagnostic testing is an important and widely used tool in commercial poultry husbandry. A key to best use of diagnostic testing, is to begin...

Practical views on global poultry nutrition – Second part

The demand for poultry meat will increase because of population growth and changing socio- economic factors. Resources will become constrained and changing consumer perceptions...

Insights into hunger will aid poultry welfare

Brain processes controlling hunger in birds and poultry are to be examined, to better understand how stress experienced during development in the egg impacts...

Research assessed peracetic acid in poultry processing wastewater treatment systems

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announce the completion of a funded research project at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia, in which...

Heat tolerance of TETRA laying hens

The global warming and the climate change affect animal production and sustainability of livestock systems. The high ambient temperature has detrimental effect on the...

Research examines alternative feeding programs and photostimulation periods for broiler breeders

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announce the completion of a funded research project at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia, in which researchers...

Minimizing interventions for turkey beak treatment in Germany

Germany wants to play a leading role in Europe in poultry and turkey welfare issues. Fundamental changes have been made to husbandry systems during...

Raising Pullets in Alternative Systems

Productive and profitable layers begin with good quality pullets. Having the correct body weight and body type at the start of egg production will...

Big data for poultry. What is possible? – second part

The term big data may at first appear incongruous to animal agriculture. However, by capturing, analysing, reporting and sharing of through-production chain data with...

A new research shows persistent Salmonella strains on processing equipment

The USPOULTRY Foundation announce the completion of a funded research project at Clemson University in Clemson, S.C., in which Dr. Kay Cooksey and other...

Broiler breeders, a research on alternative feeding programs and photostimulation periods

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announce the completion of a funded research project at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia, in which researchers...

Current trends in litter management

As much of the broiler industry transitions to antibiotic free production based on consumer demand, broiler house management is changing more substantially than it...

NIRS study on nutritional profiles of 100 soybean meal samples from USA and Brazil

This paper compares the nutrient profile of soybean meal (SBM) samples from the USA and Brazil. Proximate analysis, total amino acids, standardized ileal digestibility...

Protecting poultry from Avian Influenza

The Avian Influenza season is upon us, but how much do you know about Avian Influenza? Do you know how to protect the birds...

Big data for poultry – first part

The term big data may at first appear incongruous to animal agriculture. However, by capturing, analysing, reporting and sharing of through-production chain data with...

Host and microbial biomarkers for intestinal health and disease in broilers

New tools can be used to determine the gut health status of animals and to predict animal performance or to make a decision whether...

What is good chick quality?

When asking the question “What is good chick quality?”, the responses can be very different based on the person and their role. For instance,...

Novel genome technologies to ensure future biodiversity and global protein request

A new collaborative research and development project between Cobb-Vantress and The Roslin Institute brought scientists and industry experts together to address food security needs...

Chlamydia spp. detected in poultry in Piedmont, Italy

Chlamydia spp. are agents of re-emerging infections in poultry worldwide and deserve attention from a public health perspective due to the well-known zoonotic nature...

How to improve indoor air quality in poultry housing

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announce the completion of a funded research project at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa, in which researchers provided...

Efficacy and economics of oral fluralaner for the treatment of northern fowl mites in...

Once mites are observed in one area of the barn they tend to progressively spread to the whole barn and subsequently to the next...

Effects of feed presentation on growth performance and gut health of turkeys

The combined effect of feed presentation parameters bears considerable implications for the digestive health and growth performance of turkeys. This topic is very relevant...

Practical views on global poultry nutrition – First part

The global supply of poultry products will need to double by 2050 if we are to meet the aspiration of all people to be...

Spotty Liver Disease in cage-free brown laying hens

Missouri has a large amount of egg production that uses alternative housing methods such as cage-free farming. The development of the alternative systems began...

A diagnostic laboratory perspective for pathogen detection

Detection of infectious diseases can generally be broken down into laboratory detection of the pathogen or detection of the immune response to the pathogen....

Effect of arginine and lysine on broiler chickens

Arginine is an essential amino acid for poultry and plays crucial roles in different biological pathways. Recent findings highlighted that the recommended levels of...

Researchers use laser for broiler house enrichment

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announce the completion of a funded research project at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa, in which researchers used...

Egg weight loss during incubation of poults and chicks

Why is it important and how do we measure it? Technology and the associated hatchery and equipment continues to advance incubation to levels previously unavailable,...

Poultry house climate

Poultry climate is a key factor in faming. High temperatures and a high humidity: in Germany, short periods in the summer months where temperatures...

Research provides Insight on colonization of broilers by Salmonella

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announce the completion of a funded research project at Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama, in which researchers were able...

5 easy steps to check fumigation efficacy

Fumigation is common practice for hatching eggs to prevent losses due to microbial contamination. You should check your fumigation annually to make sure it...

Comparison of the effects of dietary available phosphorus and feed restriction on performance, egg...

This study was performed to evaluate the effect of available phosphorus and restricted feeding level on laying hens productivity, egg quality and yolk fatty...

Turkey Breeding – Making the most of genetic potential

Genetic potential Successful and profitable turkey production occurs across a wide range of production systems and farming environments. Breed choice, farming facilities, equipment, management, nutrition...

Feeding broilers of the future

The only way to maintain production is to improve the understanding of precision nutrition so that producers can feed broilers with low or no...

Ventilation of poultry houses with outdoor access

A primary goal in raising poultry is meeting the bird’s basic needs with regards to adequate temperature, air quality, food, water, light and protection...

Path to the 100 week age layers in cage free systems

Egg producers are always looking for ways to improve layer hen’s efficiency as, nowadays, the genetic potential of layers is targeting an extended age...

Research shows practical method to reduce litter moisture

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announce the completion of a funded research project at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia, in which researchers...

Fertile or not?

Fertilisation and a fertile egg marks the beginning of a new life but is by no means a guarantee of a long life, as...

First-Ever Report of antimicrobial ase across U.S. broiler chickens and turkeys

Dramatic antimicrobial usage changes and improved antimicrobial stewardship. The new report shows dramatic reductions of turkey and broiler chicken antimicrobial use over a five-year timeframe....

Trials show oregano essential oil supports anticoccidial vaccination

Oregano essential oil, well-documented for its antimicrobial action when included in the diets of various poultry species, has been found to be particularly effective...

The core technology for the sustainability of animal production, environment and green energy

Among various technologies for sustainability in animal production, anaerobic digestion or biogas technology is recognized for its multiple functions and benefits. It breaks down...

Copper influences broilers’ performance and growth

Copper (Cu) is an essential component involved in a wide variety of biochemical processes. It must be supplemented in the trace mineral premix as...

A multidisciplinary research approach on Avian Influenza in Italy

The Avian Influenza epidemic of 2016-2017 had been the largest in Europe in more than 10 years. The circulating virus was a Highly Pathogenic...

Broiler nutrition, future efficiency

Talking about broiler nutrition, we all want the best possible return while investing as little as possible: efficiency is the keyword to success and...

Antimicrobial drug resistance in poultry. What do we know about risk factors?

There is an increasing amount of published surveillance and diagnostic submissions data, providing information on prevalence and trends of antimicrobial drug use and antimicrobial...

Is chick yield still a valid reference?

Many hatcheries still use chick yield – chick yield is the average chick weight divided by the average fresh egg weight multiplied by 100...

Reducing the environmental impact of egg production via breeding and alternative diet

Egg production has an important role in the global production of food. For decades, we have successfully selected laying hens that efficiently produce animal...

How Necrotic Enteritis affects animal’ welfare and performance

Necrotic Enteritis (NE) affected flocks have poor enteric health and nutrient digestibility leading to decreased performance and increased excretion of nutrients. Evidence suggests that...

Metabolisable energy of ingredients in peak layers

Layer nutritionists typically rely on apparent metabolisable energy data generated in broilers as layer AME data are less available. The bioassays are typically conducted...

Field vaccination against ILT in broiler chickens: lack of consistency

When vaccination against infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) is necessary in broiler flocks, mass administration techniques are required due to the sheer numbers of birds involved....

Clostridial Dermatitis

Clostridial Dermatitis is a disease of economic concern in turkeys. Clostridium perfringens and Clostridium septicum have been isolated consistently from dermatitis lesions in turkeys....

Science unveils new pathway to broiler chicken growth performance

A new tool has emerged for broiler chicken operations seeking new ways to optimize results while keeping aligned with a full range of the...

Improving birds’ health by refining their intestinal microbiota health and stability

Intestinal systems of living organisms are inhabited by a dense community of microorganisms  dominated by bacteria but also containing archea, fungi, protozoa and viruses....

Maintaining hatching egg quality through good hygiene and handling

The microbiological status of a hatching egg is highest immediately after the egg is laid. The objective, therefore, is to ensure that quality is...

The role of mechanistic theory in delaying the development of NSPases

This brief paper attempts to review the history of development of the mechanistic theories for NSPases and how this has possibly delayed advances. NSPase feed...

Spent hens: Can we improve their welfare?

The aim of this study was to observe the improvement in welfare indicators of spent hens kept in three different housing systems. Sixteen Isa...

Crude soybean lecithin and vegetable acid oil as energy sources for broiler chickens

Lecithin and acid oil, as co-products from vegetable oil refining process, are economic alternatives to conventional fat sources and may represent an efficient energy...

Some basic suggestions to improve breeder management

Dr. Keith Bramwell, a former professor in the Department of Poultry Science at The University of Arkansas, and Hatchery Consultant for Jamesway Incubator Company...

Effect of different dilution rates on fertility of chicken spermatozoa and its storage

Under natural mating, with a ratio of hen:cocks of 8:1 fertility rates are still low. Artificial insemination (AI) technology can be adopted and is...

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