Hy-Line accelerates genetic progress across all lines

“We are achieving progress in all lines faster than has ever been seen before,” noted Dr. Danny Lubritz, research and development director for Hy-Line...

Hatching for egg quality

Hatching for egg quality implies caring of various factors. The age of the flock, number of storage days and incubation program are typically included...

A new perspective on feeding broiler breeders

Due to sophisticated genetic selection programs carried out by poultry breeding companies such as Aviagen, today’s broilers can grow with very efficient feed conversion...

Roxell pan feeder system: the ultimate alternative to beak treatments

Jan Hoving from Zeewolde (NL) tested this Roxell solution at his rearing farm. For him, the decision to use Natural Beak Smoothing was a...

Incubation and the role of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in embryo development

The practice, or “art”, of artificially incubation of the avian egg dates back some 3,000 years to the ancient Egyptian mud/brick oven type rooms...

Relationship between plumage and body condition in non-debeaked laying hens

As result of the EU Council Directive 99/74/EC of 19 July 1999 laying down minimum standards for the protection of laying hens, the use...

In Observance of Earth Day USPOULTRY highlights poultry and egg farm and poultry facilities...

In observance of Earth Day, celebrated on April 22, U.S. Poultry & Egg Association  highlighted two videos from its series emphasizing environmental stewardship on...

Collaborative regulatory approach can reduce antibiotic use in animal production

As global concern about the human health threat posed by antimicrobial resistance continues rises, governments continue to introduce legislation to curb antibiotic use in...

Site and extent of digestion on poultry production

In poultry formulation and production of feed has evolved extensively in the last century with the identification of required nutrients, and subsequent and continuing...

Evaluation of anti-inflammatory capacities of bacillus-based probiotics using an in vitro intestinal cell model

With the evolution of genetic potential of modern broilers, transforming the large feed intake into protein deposition is a real challenge for the digestive...

Welfare and cost benefits through automated grading and vaccination

Evaluation of working time requirements of different grading and vaccination processes. One of the most important measures for the quality of poultry breeding stock is...

Management techniques for a hot climate

Hot conditions significantly affect the performance of layers, particularly in temperatures higher than 30°C. Getting good technical results requires some adjustments in the management...

Higher stocking densities decrease performance without altering turkey meat quality

Quality of turkey meat is important but consumers are also concerned for the well-being of animals raised for meat production. However, some in the...

The challenging world of a primary breeder, matching genetic programs to market requirements

It is Hubbard’s genetic commitment to offer a wide range of products ranging from conventional cost-efficient broilers to slow(er) growing Premium chickens. It is...

The Finnish Landrace Breed and a successful conservation program in Finland

Finnish landrace breed chicken is classified as a light egg layer. Meat is also consumed subsistence production and it is described as tasteful. There is...

Cobb suggesting management tips to maximize male fertility

The role of males in poultry breeding is extremely important. Each male is responsible for fertilizing 10 or more females. Each hen produces at...

Effect of two different fibre sources on growth and immune function in grower layer-pullets

This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of two different fibre sources on pullet growth, gut immune tissue, and lymphocyte proliferation of strain...

Major histocompatibility complex and genetic resistance to Infectious Bronchitis Virus

Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is an endemic disease of chickens responsible for considerable economic losses to the poultry industry worldwide. IBV replication leads to...

In-ovo vaccination requires good hatchery management

In-ovo vaccination is gaining popularity and is being used in an increasing number of hatcheries. A driving force behind this is the increasing number...

Pirbright research to boost vaccine production

Scientists at the Pirbright Institute have received money, which will enable research into boosting vaccine yields by up to ten fold. The funding was...

Volovskiy Broiler LLC equipped with a Meyn 6,000 bph Maestro based slaughtering and processing...

Volovskiy Broiler LLC (Volovskiy Broiler) is now equipped with a Meyn 6,000 bph Maestro­ based slaughtering and processing line, including an integrated 3,000 bph...

Effects of probiotic Bacillus amyloliquefaciens H57 on performance and intestinal microbiota of chickens

Probiotics (direct fed microbials) are a potential alternative to antibiotic growth promoters for improving animal production and preventing enteric pathogen infections. The Authors are...

Omaz launches OMAZ Controller Plus

Omaz Controller Plus has been designed for the intelligent control of poultry house equipment and engineering. OMAZ, an industry leader within this business sector with...

TrayTrack, a unique inline overhead concept for optimum tray logistics

The traceability of trays Once trays have been filled with product, poultry processors will often be faced with how to transport them to packaging equipment...

Alternative housing system’s impact on feeding pullets and layers

In order to satisfy consumer demands for their food to be produced a more “humane” manner the retail outlets are pushing the egg industry...

A new poultry research center at the University of Bristol

A state-of-the art poultry research centre offering specialist, industry-focused research into both laying hen and broiler health, welfare, behavior and productivity has recently been...

Research provides possibility to automate grading of woody breast fillets

In a recently completed research project, Dr. Casey Owens at the Department of Poultry Science, University of Arkansas, used automated vision grading to detect...

The future of probiotics

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announce the completion of a funded research project at the Western University of Health Sciences in Pomona, Calif., in...

Meyn launches the new Opening machine 240 with the patented cutting mechanism

The next generation Meyn Opening machine 240, works with a “Swivel” movement to ensure an exact cut to reduce intestine damage at high speeds,...

Turkeys – Making the most of genetic potential

Genetic Potential Successful and profitable turkey production occurs across a wide range of production systems and farming environments. Breed choice, farming facilities, equipment, management, nutrition...

Biosecurity measures and new vaccines to combat the spread of bird flu

The recent H5N6 bird flu outbreak is confined to the south of England, partly due to the introduction of an Avian Influenza Protection Zone...

Managing bird behaviour in organic production systems

This topic is presented on by John Brunnquell, the founder and current president of Egg Innovations, which is the largest exclusive producer of free...

Researchers develop method for making new types of vaccines

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announce the completion of a funded research project at the U.S. National Poultry Research Center, Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory in Athens,...

Infectious Bursal Disease antibody levels and viral load in commercial broiler chickens

Infectious bursal disease (IBD) disease is caused by infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) of the genus Avibirna-viridae and family Birna-viridae. IBDV is found worldwide...

Informative Processing School in Malaysia

A highly successful four-day processing school was held in Malaysia for Aviagen® personnel to improve their knowledge and understanding of the impact of the...

Vitamin D in laying hens: how high is high enough?

In 2010, the Institute of Medicine in the United States reviewed current literature and changed the estimated average requirement of 400 IU/day to a...

Partially slotted flooring systems for market toms – What are the possibilities?

Avian influenza virus is stable longer in moist and cool conditions. Depending on seasonal and production conditions barn air and litter (bedding) moisture can...

Marel Poultry’s AMF-i sets the world’s benchmark

Marel Poultry’s AMF-i innovating the poultry processing. Breast cap deboning is an extremely important stage in any poultry processing plant. During this process, end...

Alternatives to antibiotics in organic poultry

Organic poultry production is one of the fastest growing segments of organic agriculture with a 20% average annual increase since the establishment of the...

Effectiveness of a double choice test to assess dietary taste preferences in broilers

Investigations into the taste system of broilers can help to improve poultry feeding strategies. However, a comprehensive study on dietary taste preferences for broilers...

Use of injection syringes in the animal production industry

Animal health is an important factor to consider, as any disease outbreak can potentially have drastic economical consequences. For this reason, planning and preparing...

A cost-effective solution to partially replace vitamin E

Oxidative imbalance can reduce animal productivity. If severe, it can lead to inflammation, reduced immune function and increased susceptibility to disease. Livestock producers typically...

The bioavailability of zinc in poultry: what does literature say?

Zinc bioavailability: zinc is an essential trace element for all the animals, including broilers. In case of deficiency, alteration of growth performance and distortion...

How to minimize peracetic acid exposure in poultry plants

Peracetic acid has been used increasingly in the food and medical industries as a disinfectant, and its use in poultry processing has further enhanced...

The declining trend of salmonellosis cases in the EU has levelled off

Cases of Salmonella Enteritidis acquired in the EU have increased in humans by 3% since 2014 says the report, which is compiled by the...

Intestinal barrier function – A case to be studied in reduced protein diets

Maintaining intestinal health and growth remains a concern as demands increase to limit the use of antibiotics in poultry production. There is also an...

DNA region in chickens identified for disease resistance

One region in the DNA explains a large difference in possible disease resistance betweenchickens. This was discovered by researchers of Wageningen University & Research...

Improving hens health and productivity

Scientists at Roslin and two other institutions receive funding from FFAR to improve health and productivity of egg-laying hens. The Foundation for Food and Agriculture...

When the hatchery power supply fails

In a contemporary hatchery all the parameters influencing incubation – such as temperature, humidity, ventilation and the turning of eggs – are based on...

Poultry expertise at IDEXX

In a rapidly evolving poultry production environment with fewer treatment options, disease prevention and identification are more important than ever. Reliable lab diagnostics play...

Ventilation and heating issues during cold weather

Many problems during cool and cold weather can be traced to inappropriate ventilation rates. Poor broiler health, respiratory problems, and breast blisters are common...

Poultry lighting

With LED technologies, farmers can today vary the color, intensity and photoperiod of the poultry lighting in houses and barns to improve production. While incandescent,...

Investigation of nutritional diseases at the veterinary diagnostic lab

Here below the role the veterinary diagnostic laboratory can play in helping to confirm nutritional diseases in a flock has been described. Regardless issues...

Researchers develop practical solar heater for poultry houses

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announce the completion of a funded research project at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, N.C., in which researchers...

Reaching full potential with Innova IMPAQT

A real-time impact on performance, availability and quality A modern poultry processing plant is a complex network of interconnecting processes operating at high speed. It...

Stork inline thigh filleting up to high capacities

Thigh meat consumption on the rise - a global trend The market for thigh filleting is opening up, offering plenty of opportunities worldwide. To benefit...

Seminars highlighting innovations in broiler farming

Two interesting specialist seminars for broiler farming were held on the 16th and 17th of November in Visbek and Hamm, Germany. The companies BEST3,...

Maternal derived antibodies have a role on the impact of Original XPC

The objective of this study was to evaluate the role of maternally derived antibodies on the immune-modulatory capacity of XPC on antigen-specific humoral immune...

Prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of thermophylic Campylobacters in poultry

Campylobacter spp. is a leading cause of foodborne diarrhea. The most common source of infection is contaminated food, mainly poultry meat. The uncontrolled use of...

Improving feeding efficiency with innovating products

At Trouw Nutrition they have focused their innovation in the poultry business on finding new ways of achieving improved feeding efficiency and enhanced performance...

Minnesota Turkey launches 3rd “day in the life of a turkey farmer” video

Minnesota turkey grower Loren Brey of Brey Farms, New Ulm, Minn., was recently featured in “A Day in the Life of a Turkey Farmer”...

A cost-effective poultry feed additives solution to partially replace vitamin E

Livestock producers typically use feed additives such as vitamin E to increase the antioxidant capacity of animals and minimise economic losses. Recently, the price of...

The challenges and future of poultry diagnostics

A review of the past helps to frame the future of poultry diagnostics. In the United States, the Land-Grant universities provided a fertile environment...

Meyn: a look inside the market for deboning and deskinning

The poultry processing market is still on the road to growth. A CAGR of 4.7% by 2020 in USA alone is evidence of the...

Poultry house environmental control during cold weather

Most people think minimum ventilation in a poultry house is all about air quality but that is only partially correct. First one should define...

Isolation, bioactivity and applications of sulfated polysaccharides from poultry by-products

The broiler chicken meat processing industry produces a large amount of poultry byproducts rich in connective tissue (i.e. keel cartilage, skin, and bone residues),...

Research Rules Out Possible Kinky Back Prevention

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announce the completion of a funded research project at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, N.C., in which researchers...

Research shows limited effectiveness for two darkling beetle control products

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announce the completion of a funded research project at the University of Georgia in Athens, Ga., in which researchers...

Short chain fatty acids and poultry gut health

Due to customer demands, producers have been asked to change the way they grow production animals, specifically through the removal of antibiotics. With this...

Managing the risk makes the difference in mycotoxin control

A webinar on the results of the 2017 harvest analyses in terms of mycotoxin contamination has been recently held. Two experts on the matter...

Managing CO2 and fresh air to optimise hatchability

Last year I was invited to a layer hatchery that was reporting slightly lower hatchability than its sister hatcheries, despite using eggs from the...

Innovative methods for a multidisciplinary risk management in poultry slaughterhouses

The purpose of controls in slaughterhouses is to ensure food safety and quality as well as to monitor animal health and welfare. Control efficiency can...

Salmonella, creating the most undesirable environment

Background Salmonella non-typhoidal is among the top foodborne bacteria that cause illness within the United States annually.With 1.4 million illness (11% of foodborne bacteria), 19,336...

Reducing antibiotic use without harming profitability is an actual possibility

Ten million people are at risk due to antibiotic resistance, ensures the “Antimicrobial Resistance Review” published by the United Kingdom government in 2014. Of...

Lowering dietary calcium and available phosphorus in broilers

The aim of this trial was to investigate the effect of lowering dietary calcium (Ca) and available phosphorus (av.P) during Starter (0 to 10d),...

Turkey farming – A brief review of welfare and husbandry issues

A literature review was undertaken to examine welfare issues in the turkey farming sector. The major issues are diseases, poor locomotion due to high...

Additivity of ileal amino acid values of sorghum with different protein sources

Sorghum is used widely in Australian poultry diets, primarily as an energy component. It is usually fed in diets that contain wheat but may...

The challenge of feeding modern broiler breeders

Broiler breeders are expected to produce about 150 chicks in 40 weeks of production and even though it is commonly believed that selection for...

Rapid in vitro antimicrobial screening assay against Campylobacter

Research was undertaken to adapt a multi-well antimicrobial assay as a fast and reliable method to screen large numbers of plant extract treatments against...

Biosecurity – practical tips to minimize the human risk of contamination

All poultry operations are under a constant threat from the ever-present enemy of disease and infection. It is imperative in all operations that we...

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