Compatibility of a new multi-strain probiotic with a live-attenuated Salmonella vaccine in chickens

A pilot study was undertaken to assess the compatibility of a new multistrain probiotic with a live-attenuated Salmonella Typhimurium (ST) vaccine. Experimental units were...

Navigating an antibiotic-free and reduced antibiotic use poultry industry

Antibiotics are a type of antimicrobial medication used to treat infections caused by bacteria. In the 1930s, a sulfonamide was the first commercially available...

Managing live hanging for quality and yield

Once the market-age birds arrive the plant the personnel must concentrate on the preservation of their physical integrity and economic potential. In such scenario,...

Nutritional implications of antibiotic free rearing of broilers

The gradual reduction in the use of AGP coincided with an increase in the therapeutic use of antibiotics on farm level. Especially in broiler...

Biosecurity in poultry farming: an effective tool to fight infectious diseases

This is the first of a series of technical articles on biosecurity in poultry farming produced within the European project “NetPoulSafe - Networking European...

Automated data gathering drives food safety

In today’s food processing industry practice, traceability and food safety appear to be still at a level too low to respond to the fast...

Aviagen demonstrates commitment to the poultry industry at VIV Europe 2018

The Aviagen team looks forward to welcoming customers and poultry industry associates from around the world to its stand 11 C010 at VIV Europe 2018....

The future of probiotics

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announce the completion of a funded research project at the Western University of Health Sciences in Pomona, Calif., in...

Effect of the type of diet and the addition of humic substances as growth...

In recent years, humic substances have been tested as growth promoters in animal production and are one of the promising options to face the...

Key global health issues in cage-free and organic laying hens

In USA and Europe there has been a growth in cage-free, free range, and organic production over the last 10 years. The percentage of all...

Breakthrough: stopping chick culling together!

In Germany alone, around 45 million male chicks from laying hen breeds are killed every year. Male chicks of these breeds do not lay...

The dynamics of global poultry meat trade between 2006 and 2016 at continent and...

In two papers the dynamics of global poultry meat trade will be analysed in detail: in this first article the dynamics at the continental...

Infectious Coryza in vaccinated layers: are vaccines failing to protect?

During 2017 and 2018 Infectious Coryza was detected in several commercial vaccinated egg layer flocks in California. The Avibacterium paragallinarum strains isolated from infected...

New videos about the Socorex® animal injection syringes

The Swiss made Socorex® animal health syringes with spring-loaded plunger and three-way valve system are designed for precision serial animal injections. Feed tube and vial...

Keep control. Marel Poultry at IPPE 2019

Marel Poultry will participate in the International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) 2019, taking place in Atlanta, Georgia USA, at the Georgia World Congress...

Dietary approaches to control Necrotic Enteritis in broilers

Necrotic Enteritis (NE) occurs in broilers due to an overabundance of C. perfringens and is usually associated with predisposing factors which include coccidial challenge,...

VIV Europe is coming back full-power

The road is heading towards the leading feed to food event in 2022, May 31-June 2.  VIV Europe will be the first animal husbandry event...

Q-Wing highly values wing parts

New Marel Poultry technology brings labor-saving quality assessment and distribution. Today, wing products are so popular that customers demand for both higher volumes and more...

LIFE CHIMERA: the revaluation of chicken manure used “as is” to produce quality fertilizer...

A new circular economy model for the poultry market thanks to an innovative technology based on two patents for the transition to smart agriculture. Rosalino...

The future of brooding

It is essential that newly hatched poults are provided with the best possible starting conditions in brooding. This is a fundamental first step to...

Considerations for a better quality of chicks

During the incubation period, embryonic growth and development are affected by different factors, as breeder age, the incubation temperature and the availability of egg...

Broiler management and feed formulation approaches in hot environments

High temperatures can be an obstacle in livestock production particularly in tropical regions. Broilers are more susceptible to high ambient temperatures because they lack...

Ask the Expert Webinar Series organized by Cobb Europe

Cobb Europe brings you a four-part series of webinars from 3rd to 24th November. Hear from some of the world's most regarded technical experts in the poultry...

Controlling water temperature during brooding

Though there is a wide range of opinions on the optimal drinking water temperature for young chicks, the fact is farm managers actually have...

A cost-effective solution to partially replace vitamin E

Oxidative imbalance can reduce animal productivity. If severe, it can lead to inflammation, reduced immune function and increased susceptibility to disease. Livestock producers typically...

Meyn acquires Italian based enterprise Maxitech

Meyn Food Processing Technology BV, announced today that they have established Meyn Italy SRL, and have acquired the assets of Maxitech SRL and Maxi...

DNA region in chickens identified for disease resistance

One region in the DNA explains a large difference in possible disease resistance betweenchickens. This was discovered by researchers of Wageningen University & Research...

EU strategies for safety of poultry meat

Poultry meat is a source of cheap and healthy protein, which is the recipe for success in the world of growing meat consumption of...

Animal injection syringes: Fixed and adjustable volume

The Swiss made Socorex® glass and metal syringes with spring-loaded plunger and three-way valve system are supplied either as fixed or adjustable volume models. Starting...

Small volume, reliable animal injection syringe

The animal health syringe Socorex® ultra 1810 is the very first model to deliver highly accurate and reproducible doses starting from 0.02 mL. With...

Organic acids as feed additives: pros and cons

Organic acid salts are often included as feed additives in livestock nutrition as feed preservatives but also as growth promoters, intestinal microbiota enhancers, and...

Nutritional strategies against pathogens in poultry

Salmonella Enteritidis and Campylobacter jejuni are the two major foodborne pathogens transmitted through poultry products. Since chickens are the reservoir hosts of these pathogens,...

VIV MEA – 20-22 November 2023, Abu Dhabi

VIV MEA, the international trade show from feed to food for the production & processing of poultry meat, eggs, fish, and dairy, in the...

Biosecurity, the basics

By biosecurity we mean those measures aimed at reducing the risk of introducing and spreading infectious agents on farms, i.e. bio-exclusion and bio-containment measures. Luigi...

New fixed volume animal injection syringes

The Swiss made Socorex® syringes with spring-loaded plunger and three-way valve system include four new fixed volume models starting from 0.2 mL until 1...

How to guard your hatchery against biosecurity threats

Biosecurity, by simple definition, is a set of procedures undertaken to limit the spread of infectious pathogens to a susceptible population. It is, however,...

Different incubation profiles for different breeds?

Breeding has powerful effects. Although all chicken breeds originate from the same wild ancestor, they differ dramatically in appearance, physiology, type and metabolic rate....

Rigid extension for injection syringes

The Swiss made Socorex® self-refilling syringes with spring-loaded plunger and three-way valve system are designed for serial precision injections of pigs and other related animals. Instruments...

Injection syringes – Vial or tube feeding?

The Swiss made Socorex® self-refilling syringes with spring-loaded plunger and three-way valve system are designed for serial precision animal injections. They are perfectly adapted for...

Crop stress in Argentina

Lack of rain on the Pampas in Argentina this year lowered estimates for the Argentine harvest of corn and soybeans. With that notable exception,...

Development and evaluation of probiotics

As restrictions to antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) have become more prevalent, producers have turned to several technologies as probiotics - Direct Fed Microbials to...

Immunity and inflammation: crucial balance

I-CARE: boosting immunity to maximize energy for growth and performance. In poultry farming, illnesses such as Marek’s disease, Gumboro disease, and Newcastle disease are highly...

Biosecurity: protecting animal health to sustain the supply chain

Safeguarding animal health is of paramount importance to any country’s economy and food supply. Livestock with a clean health status is an important requirement...

Rise of Yeast Bioactives expands the toolbox for livestock operators

Canadian Bio-Systems receives Veterinary Health Products approval for Maxi-Nutrio® Liquid, a yeast bioactive technology. An innovative new category of science-powered yeast technology, with dynamic potential to...

Saving money and time by doubling injection productivity – with no compromise

At a time when several new cases of highly pathogenic Avian Influenza are being reported in poultry all over Europe, one needs to focus...

Cost reduction and sustainability – a joint strategy when choosing vaccinators

While poultry meat consumption is rising and chicken is the protein of choice consumers bring to the table all over the world, poultry farmers...

Extension of the injection syringes programme for the poultry production industry

Socorex Isba SA is a Swiss manufacturer of self-refilling injection syringes with spring-loaded plunger and three-way valve system. Simple conception, perfect hand balance and...

Spent hens: Can we improve their welfare?

The aim of this study was to observe the improvement in welfare indicators of spent hens kept in three different housing systems. Sixteen Isa...

SPACE 2022, 35 years dedicated to the livestock industry

SPACE 2022 will be held from Tuesday 13 September to Thursday 15 September at the Rennes Exhibition Centre. Hit by the Covid 19 pandemic for...

EuroTier 2024, innovating for competitiveness in animal husbandry

EuroTier 2024 promises to be an essential platform for livestock professionals seeking to stay competitive and secure the future of their farms. With the guiding...

What is the influence of nutrition and management on egg weight?

Managing egg weight is important for farmers and can greatly vary depending on market demand. Obtaining an egg size in line with market demand...

VIV Asia 2019 towards the future of Food Engineering

The VIV Asia show fills up the whole BITEC in Bangkok with more than 1250 exhibitors representing all species and sectors of the food...

Case report: histomoniasis in broiler breeder pullets

Histomoniasis, commonly known as blackhead disease, is caused by an anerobic protozoan parasite, Histomonas meleagridis. Histomoniasis affects all gallinaceous birds and turkeys are the...

2021 IPPE Marketplace and Product Showcase

More than 70 innovative products and services to be featured through the 2021 IPPE Marketplace Innovation Station / New Product Showcase. The digital 2021 International...

Aviagen launches “Committed to Breeding Sustainability” presentation

Interactive document - Committed to Breeding Sustainability - highlights synergy between Aviagen’s Top 5 Commitments and the 5 UN SDGs prioritized by the IPC. Aviagen®...

Understanding and managing water for successful flocks

Water is the single greatest input into the production of poultry products such as eggs and meat. The fact water is a relatively inexpensive...

Biosecurity measures and new vaccines to combat the spread of bird flu

The recent H5N6 bird flu outbreak is confined to the south of England, partly due to the introduction of an Avian Influenza Protection Zone...

Hubbard: Nicolas Neyra appointed as Sales Manager for France

France – Hubbard is very pleased to announce the appointment of Nicolas Neyra as Sales Manager for France effective January 2024. He succeeds Jean...

Impact of increasing levels of phytase in diets with variable levels of AA on...

Researchers from Texas A&M University, along with AB Vista Regional Technical Service Manager Craig Wyatt, have investigated the effect of increasing levels of phytase...

Modest growth, environmental progress emerge in annual chicken industry data

Delmarva's meat chicken industry processed 4.2 billion pounds of Delmarva-raised chickens in 2017, resulting in a wholesale value of $3.4 billion, according to new...

IPC support the responsible use of antibiotics

The World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW) 2020, 18 – 24 november promotes awareness in use of antibiotics and on global antimicrobial resistance. The WAAW, promoted...

Poultry injections – selection of the adequate syringes

Injection syringes are common tools in poultry farms, where all know about the importance of protecting animal health to avoid potential economic consequences in...

The optimal solution for any poultry feeding need

Poultry farms, of any size, location and species they are earmarked for, constantly need to supply the best economic result, in terms of both...

VIV Europe focuses on data connection in the poultry chain

Smart food production in the context of a modern poultry chain from feeds and breeding to production, processing and consumption will be on show...

Cost-effective biosecurity management practices

An effective flock health plan must integrate solid strategies for disease prevention, rapid diagnosis, and effective treatment to support poultry health. To attain this...

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VUELA, a ventilation solution that surpasses conventional systems

TPI-Polytechniek, leading global innovator and provider in the field of ventilation components for the agricultural and industrial sectors, launched its latest innovation: the VUELA...