Marel Poultry: A stress-free journey from shed to shackle

Marel Poultry solutions: for some six to eight weeks, even longer in the case of heavier and specialist breeds, broilers will have been carefully...

Woody breast in the poultry meat industry

In the U.S., poultry is widely popular by consumers and is the top protein consumed. In the last decade along with improvements in growth...

Meyn: a look inside the market for deboning and deskinning

The poultry processing market is still on the road to growth. A CAGR of 4.7% by 2020 in USA alone is evidence of the...

Stork inline thigh filleting up to high capacities

Thigh meat consumption on the rise - a global trend The market for thigh filleting is opening up, offering plenty of opportunities worldwide. To benefit...

Marel unlocks new profitable opportunities for convenience poultry production

RevoPortioner with Helix Drum, Active Batter Applicator and RevoCrumb by Marel. By combining innovative technologies for portioning, batter and crumb, unlocks new profitable opportunities for convenience...

Marel Poultry’s AMF-i sets the world’s benchmark

Marel Poultry’s AMF-i innovating the poultry processing. Breast cap deboning is an extremely important stage in any poultry processing plant. During this process, end...

New method to detect woody breast fillets

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announced the completion of a funded research project at Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama, in which researchers found a...

Meyn quality slaughtering

MEYN is the reliable and committed partner of renowned poultry processing companies in over 90 countries worldwide, with people having the right professional skills...

Marel Poultry, worry-free transfer performance up to 15,000 bph

For contemporary poultry processing plants, Marel Poultry has developed LineLink transfer systems, particularly suitable for capacities up to 15,000 bph. LineLink DE transfers products...

Research assessed peracetic acid in poultry processing wastewater treatment systems

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announce the completion of a funded research project at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia, in which...

CAS technology is emerging as the harvesting solution of choice – Working on animal...

CAS helps reduce the stress in animals. This is a humane approach and many poultry companies are starting to take note. Animal well-being extends...

Marel Poultry: Unrivalled reliability at all-time high speed

Marel Poultry is taking into account the fast growing and urbanizing world population, the production of poultry meat is expected to increase considerably. Processing...

Reducing water usage in turkey processing

Virginia Poultry recently installed several liquid/solids separation screens for reducing water usage in its turkey feather and offal processing. The two new primary and...

Volovskiy Broiler LLC equipped with a Meyn 6,000 bph Maestro based slaughtering and processing...

Volovskiy Broiler LLC (Volovskiy Broiler) is now equipped with a Meyn 6,000 bph Maestro­ based slaughtering and processing line, including an integrated 3,000 bph...

How to automate food safety in the poultry industry?

Where automation replaces human labor, food production is safer. Food safety is rightly a key issue in today’s poultry industry. Everyone wants to eat food,...

TrayTrack, a unique inline overhead concept for optimum tray logistics

The traceability of trays Once trays have been filled with product, poultry processors will often be faced with how to transport them to packaging equipment...

Improvement of chilling efficiency and product quality of broiler carcasses using sub-zero saline solutions

Carcass chilling in subzero saline solutions has not been studied enough although it can transfer the carcasses temperature to the chilling media in an...

The importance of broilers’ uniformity

The interaction between the live production department and the processing plant across the global poultry industry is governed by an internal supplier-client relationship. Hence,...

Isolation, bioactivity and applications of sulfated polysaccharides from poultry by-products

The broiler chicken meat processing industry produces a large amount of poultry byproducts rich in connective tissue (i.e. keel cartilage, skin, and bone residues),...

Managing live hanging for quality and yield

Once the market-age birds arrive the plant the personnel must concentrate on the preservation of their physical integrity and economic potential. In such scenario,...

Biofilms – The hidden threat

The cleanliness of the facility is the #1 prerequisite to safeguarding the chicken products’ safety. Food safety wise, cleanliness does not merely mean keeping...

Carcass picking: removing the feathers and protecting the quality

The poultry feathers are non-edible and need to be thoroughly removed during processing. The defeathering consists of moving the carcasses along the picking line...

Poultry processing ergonomics

No matter the degree of automation of any given poultry processing plant! There will always be a need for laborers, yet just a few...

Innovative methods for a multidisciplinary risk management in poultry slaughterhouses

The purpose of controls in slaughterhouses is to ensure food safety and quality as well as to monitor animal health and welfare. Control efficiency can...

On farm slaughter

Commercial on farm slaughter could eliminate many potential animal welfare issues associated with cooping, transport, dumping, and shackling of live broilers. However, concerns regarding...

Informative Processing School in Malaysia

A highly successful four-day processing school was held in Malaysia for Aviagen® personnel to improve their knowledge and understanding of the impact of the...

The economic importance of the abdominal fat pad

In an integrated chicken meat producing company, the processing plant is the only revenue-generating area, whose worth-making capability depends strongly on the performance of...

Meyn launches the new Opening machine 240 with the patented cutting mechanism

The next generation Meyn Opening machine 240, works with a “Swivel” movement to ensure an exact cut to reduce intestine damage at high speeds,...

Easy-entry poultry cut-up automation

In today’s tough times, there are various reasons for poultry processors to reconsider the number of operatives in their cut-up department and think about...

Reduction of Salmonella and Campylobacter on raw poultry

by improving the killing effect of surface decontaminating solutions In the United States, poultry is the most highly consumed meat and its consumption has grown...

Research provides possibility to automate grading of woody breast fillets

In a recently completed research project, Dr. Casey Owens at the Department of Poultry Science, University of Arkansas, used automated vision grading to detect...

Six questions about high-volume chicken fillet portioning

Modern technology and software bring an infinite number of cutting options. The huge volumes of chicken fillet needed to satisfy global demand go way beyond...

Pre-harvest interventions and implications of safety for turkey processing

Increasing consumer attention toward low fat, high protein diets, and demand for healthy foods has led to a significant increase in the production and...

Breast meat quality affected by wooden myopathy

Wooden breast (WB) is a myopathy that affects meat quality traits in modern broilers and it has been associated with an increased BW gain...

A new research shows persistent Salmonella strains on processing equipment

The USPOULTRY Foundation announce the completion of a funded research project at Clemson University in Clemson, S.C., in which Dr. Kay Cooksey and other...

Reaching full potential with Innova IMPAQT

A real-time impact on performance, availability and quality A modern poultry processing plant is a complex network of interconnecting processes operating at high speed. It...

Managing feed withdrawal with food safety and carcass yield in mind

The feed withdrawal program aims at minimizing the occurrence of fecal contamination at plant, thus shielding the products’ safety. It happens that while off...

Improving poultry products safety

The research is part of the Association’s comprehensive research program encompassing all phases of poultry and egg production and processing. Dr. Hong Zhuang at...

How to minimize litter caking issues at the beginning of a flock

A specified minimum ventilation rate based on age of flock in weeks suggests that the amount of moisture needing to be removed from a...

Using accelerometers and artificial intelligence to predict presence of woody breast

The broiler industry has been challenged with a condition referred to as "woody breast" for the past 8-10 years, which can affect a significant...

Researchers evaluate euthanasia methods for large poultry

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation reported the completion of a funded research project at Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama, in which researchers evaluated four...

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Improving performance and egg quality in aging hens

Due to the world’s population increase, egg production is expected to develop rapidly and, to increase egg production, the goal is to enhance laying...