Transgenerational impact of broiler breeder nutrition

Continuous genetic selection in meat-type chicken for rapid growth resulted in increased meat production and decreased the time required for achieving the market weight....

Biosecurity in poultry farming: an effective tool to fight infectious diseases

This is the first of a series of technical articles on biosecurity in poultry farming produced within the European project “NetPoulSafe - Networking European...

Comprehensive study concludes chicken embryo pain perception starts on day 13th of incubation

The comprehensive study commissioned by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture has revealed that the perception of pain in chicken embryos begins...

Organic acids as feed additives: pros and cons

Organic acid salts are often included as feed additives in livestock nutrition as feed preservatives but also as growth promoters, intestinal microbiota enhancers, and...

Biosecurity, before the beginning…

Almost all of us, the poultry people, know what biosecurity is about. For the investors, it means spending lots of money to prevent disasters,...

Cost-effective biosecurity management practices

An effective flock health plan must integrate solid strategies for disease prevention, rapid diagnosis, and effective treatment to support poultry health. To attain this...

What is the influence of nutrition and management on egg weight?

Managing egg weight is important for farmers and can greatly vary depending on market demand. Obtaining an egg size in line with market demand...

Case report: histomoniasis in broiler breeder pullets

Histomoniasis, commonly known as blackhead disease, is caused by an anerobic protozoan parasite, Histomonas meleagridis. Histomoniasis affects all gallinaceous birds and turkeys are the...
Figure 1

Histopathological evaluation of Histomonas meleagridis on ceca and the bursa of Fabricius in turkeys

Histomoniasis is caused by Histomonas meleagridis, a flagellated protozoan parasite. It causes systemic infection in turkeys and induces characteristic lesions in ceca and liver....

Some common issues of the first week in brooding turkey poults

Turkey poults are very sensitive to environmental conditions and any uncomfortable situation very quickly leads to a problem and even sometimes a disaster. Any...

Requirement of digestible calcium at different dietary concentrations of digestible phosphorus for broiler growers

An experiment was conducted to determine the digestible calcium (Ca) and digestible phosphorus (P) requirements of 11-24 days old broiler chickens. L.S. David1, M.R. Abdollahi1,...

Researchers evaluate the effects of heat stress in poults

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announced the completion of a funded research project at North Carolina State University in which researchers evaluated the effects...

Seeking sustainability in the poultry industry

Becoming sustainable is a must for long-term viability and profitability, and the poultry industry has to meet the needs of the industry, consumers, and...

Detection of antibodies against Chlamydia species in chicken serum

Avian chlamydiosis is a bacterial infection caused by Chlamydia bacteria. The currently available tests distinguish Chlamydia species based on genetic material. Researchers from Wageningen...

The importance of minimum ventilation and how to calculate it

Providing birds with the correct house environment is key to unlocking the full genetic potential and performance of a flock. Poultry growers often focus...

Hybrid Feed – New approach in layer hen feed at start of production

The actual genetic improvements in layer hens are providing the market with a layer hen producing saleable size eggs quicker than before and extending...

Researchers investigate how laying hens visually perceive the resources in cage-free housing

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announced the completion of a funded research project at Purdue University in which researchers investigated how laying hens visually...

Biological control of Salmonella in the poultry industry: a European perspective

Salmonella remains one of the most important foodborne bacterial pathogens worldwide, and is frequently linked with the consumption of contaminated poultry meat and eggs....

Poultry processing ergonomics

No matter the degree of automation of any given poultry processing plant! There will always be a need for laborers, yet just a few...

In ovo injection of oregano essential oil at different pH affects hatchability and post-hatching...

The dynamic complexity of the developing embryo requires the maintenance of differentiated compartments with the capacity to maintain independent environments required to optimise their...

Understanding egg quality

Egg quality is multi-faceted, with physical, functional, and microbial aspects contributing to egg quality. Research has shown that many factors impact egg quality including...

Dietary approaches to control Necrotic Enteritis in broilers

Necrotic Enteritis (NE) occurs in broilers due to an overabundance of C. perfringens and is usually associated with predisposing factors which include coccidial challenge,...

Ammonia control during brooding begins when previous flock ends

The level of ammonia young chicks will be exposed to during the first week of their lives is determined to a large extent by...

Detection and quantification of Gallibacterium anatis and Mycoplasma synoviae

Mycoplasma synoviae is one of the most common preconditions for secondary bacterial infections in poultry. It causes subclinical infections of the upper respiratory tract,...

The ABCs of CDT (Clostridial Dermatitis of Turkeys)

Clostridial Dermatitis of Turkeys (CDT), also referred to as Cellulitis, remains a major disease issue across all geographic regions of the US; the annual...

Controlling water temperature during brooding

Though there is a wide range of opinions on the optimal drinking water temperature for young chicks, the fact is farm managers actually have...

How can the poultry industry become carbon neutral?

Following the Paris climate agreement (COP21), countries and agricultural supply chain companies are setting targets towards net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050....

Vencomatic Group and Orbem announce a strategic partnership for in ovo sexing of poultry...

Vencomatic Group (VMG), a family-owned supplier of innovative solutions for the international poultry industry, and Orbem, a leading deep-tech imaging and AI technology company,...

Why the difference?

Eggs from the same source delivered to different hatcheries will often give different results, even though their biological quality was identical and they were...
broiler chickens

Supplementation of a protected complex of biofactors and antioxidants on the gene expression and...

The objective of this study was to evaluate the dietary supplementation of a protected complex of biofactors and antioxidants P(BF+AOx) on the expression of...

Biofilms – The hidden threat

The cleanliness of the facility is the #1 prerequisite to safeguarding the chicken products’ safety. Food safety wise, cleanliness does not merely mean keeping...

EU Compound feed production in 2021 – Market Outlook 2022

Industrial compound feed production in the EU remained stable in 2021. Looking forward, the spread of animal diseases and the continuing global grain market...

A rationale for elevated free threonine plasma concentrations in chickens offered reduced-crude protein diets

Pronounced elevations in free threonine plasma concentrations have been consistently observed pursuant to crude protein reductions in broiler diets. However, the magnitude of these...

Managing turkeys coming into lay

The first few weeks between transfer of turkeys to the laying farm and the peak of production can have a big influence on flock...

Evaluating the exterior quality of hatching eggs

Quality of eggs has a significant impact on hatchability and chick quality. Since a hatchery manager’s main aim is to produce the highest possible...

Targeted preharvest interventions against Salmonella in turkeys

Salmonella is a foodborne zoonotic pathogen prevalent in poultry production, including turkeys. The pathogen is a constant threat to human public health because of...

Managing live hanging for quality and yield

Once the market-age birds arrive the plant the personnel must concentrate on the preservation of their physical integrity and economic potential. In such scenario,...

Biosecurity, the basics

By biosecurity we mean those measures aimed at reducing the risk of introducing and spreading infectious agents on farms, i.e. bio-exclusion and bio-containment measures. Luigi...

Broiler management and feed formulation approaches in hot environments

High temperatures can be an obstacle in livestock production particularly in tropical regions. Broilers are more susceptible to high ambient temperatures because they lack...

Researchers investigate the characteristics of Turkey Hepatitis Reovirus

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announced the completion of a funded research project at the University of Minnesota in which researchers investigated the characteristics of Turkey...

Is no antibiotics ever (NAE) poultry production sustainable?

For many years, commercial poultry feeds in the United States contained sub-therapeutic levels of antibiotics, commonly known as antibiotic growth promoters (AGPs), to maximize...

Transparency, communication and engagement with society

Transparency, communication and engagement are the Aviagen’s powerful tools to achieve supply chain and industry success. Late US President Dwight D. Eisenhower once said,...

Barley in pelleted broiler starter diets: effects of carbohydrase supplementation and steam-conditioning temperature

The effect of pelleting barley-based diets on bird performance and nutrient utilisation depends, in part, on the conditioning temperature (CT) used. The influence of...

What we do and don’t know related to cage free egg production research

During the early 2000s the pressure was on the U.S. egg industry to increase cage space and to transition from conventional cage systems to...

Turkey dermatitis/cellulitis: where are we headed?

Clostridium septicum is a ubiquitous, spore-forming bacterium associated with spontaneous gas gangrene in both livestock and humans. The spores can persist in harsh environments,...

Carcass picking: removing the feathers and protecting the quality

The poultry feathers are non-edible and need to be thoroughly removed during processing. The defeathering consists of moving the carcasses along the picking line...

Estimated total cereal production in the EU-27 for the 2022 harvest

Experts from the Copa and Cogeca working groups on cereal and oilseed gathered in Brussels, with an estimated total cereal production of 277 million...

Use of comparative genomics to identify vaccine candidates for Campylobacter Jejuni

Interventions to control and reduce the incidence of Campylobacter jejuni colonization in poultry is important in order to reduce the burden of foodborne illness in humans....

Navigating an antibiotic-free and reduced antibiotic use poultry industry

Antibiotics are a type of antimicrobial medication used to treat infections caused by bacteria. In the 1930s, a sulfonamide was the first commercially available...

Using accelerometers and artificial intelligence to predict presence of woody breast

The broiler industry has been challenged with a condition referred to as "woody breast" for the past 8-10 years, which can affect a significant...

The role of early experience on the behavior of hens housed in cage-free aviaries

Understanding the consequences of rearing experiences on the behavior and bone integrity of laying hens can help inform solutions to animal welfare and management...

Influence of age on the standardised ileal amino acid digestibility of maize and barley...

Grains are the major energy sources in broilers. However, they also supply about 40% of the total dietary protein and contribute significantly to the...

Apparent metabolisable energy of common cereal grains for broiler chickens is influenced by bird...

The current study was conducted to investigate the influence of broiler age on the apparent metabolisable energy (AME) and nitrogen-corrected AME (AMEn) of four...

LIFE CHIMERA: the revaluation of chicken manure used “as is” to produce quality fertilizer...

A new circular economy model for the poultry market thanks to an innovative technology based on two patents for the transition to smart agriculture. Rosalino...

Managing feed withdrawal with food safety and carcass yield in mind

The feed withdrawal program aims at minimizing the occurrence of fecal contamination at plant, thus shielding the products’ safety. It happens that while off...

Understanding and managing water for successful flocks

Water is the single greatest input into the production of poultry products such as eggs and meat. The fact water is a relatively inexpensive...

Effect of multi-xylanase system on growth performance and gut health in broilers

Non-starch polysaccharides (NSP), particularly arabinoxylans (AX), with complex biochemical structures are one of the main causative factors for impaired growth performance and poor gut...

Feed physical quality

The effect of feed form is well established, however, feed physical quality is often seen as an issue in the field (see Figure 1)....

The effect of monochromatic photo-stimulation on growth and reproduction of broiler birds

Broilers in-ovo or with post hatch photo-stimulation with green light (GL) were heavier from dark incubated birds. Furthermore, we defined the cellular and molecular...

Researchers investigate the cause and prevention of False Layer Syndrome

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announced the completion of a funded research project at the University of Georgia in which researchers investigated the cause and prevention...

How Marek’s disease may directly affect the chicken immune system

Marek’s disease virus (MDV) causes disease in chickens and is estimated to cost the global poultry industry up to US $2 billion each year. In...

The future of brooding

It is essential that newly hatched poults are provided with the best possible starting conditions in brooding. This is a fundamental first step to...

Protein digestive dynamics influence growth performance of broiler chickens

Three apical diets were formulated to stimulate different protein digestion rates dependent on the major constituents: standard (soybean meal), rapid (whey protein) and very...

Managing eggs and chicks from young breeders

First week mortality is often higher in chicks from very young breeders (25-30 weeks) than in chicks from older breeders. What causes these chicks...

The economic importance of the abdominal fat pad

In an integrated chicken meat producing company, the processing plant is the only revenue-generating area, whose worth-making capability depends strongly on the performance of...

AAT’s CHEGGY as a tool for in ovo sex determination of layer chicken embryos

A largescale field study Germany has as first European country stopped by law culling of male day-old chicks from 1st January 2022 onwards. In February 2022,...

Effects of beta glucans in poultry health and nutrition

Immune modulators such as beta glucans have today a major role in poultry production. The poultry production industry has seen astonishing improvements over the past...

Management and stockmanship – Essential to sustainable poultry production

Experts agree that the way in which animals and poultry are managed can affect 70 to 90% of their health, welfare and productivity. Poultry producers,...

Nutritional modulation of broiler intestine in the starter period and intestinal integrity

Gut health which is characterized by intestinal integrity, intestinal microflora, mucin and enterocyte functionality, may be of greatest concern among poultry producers because it...

Obtaining the most benefit from an anticoccidial sensitivity test

The poultry industry has been using the same anticoccidial drugs for the prevention of coccidiosis for several decades. The last approval of a new...

A Box-Behnken assessment of fishmeal and sorghum inclusions in broiler diets

The objective of this study was to investigate the impacts of starch and protein digestive dynamics on broiler growth performance using Box-Behnken response surface...

The importance of broilers’ uniformity

The interaction between the live production department and the processing plant across the global poultry industry is governed by an internal supplier-client relationship. Hence,...

Salmonella Reading in commercial turkeys. Why now and how?

Salmonella sp. is one of the most common bacteria associated with foodborne illness in humans. Each year in the United States, foodborne salmonellosis causes...

Researchers evaluate euthanasia methods for large poultry

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation reported the completion of a funded research project at Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama, in which researchers evaluated four...

General overview and installation of light traps in broiler breeder rearing

Designing a ventilation system for a dark out tunnel ventilated rearing house can be challenging. There are many different models and designs of light...

Monitoring the turkey incubation process to ensure the best results

Incubating turkey eggs is often considered to be more challenging than incubating broiler eggs, yet, in essence, the basic principle of success is the...

Formulating layer diets beyond the least-cost model

Due to the high cost of feed for poultry, there is continuous pressure to formulate ‘least-cost’ diets that meet nutritional requirements. However, the main...

Managing heat and minimum ventilation systems in the broiler house

When outside temperatures drop and gas prices rise, maintaining the desired inside broiler house air temperature and ventilating to meet air quality needs can...

Identification of broiler poultry house dust components using chemical and physical analysis

Dust found in poultry housing is a complex substance most likely comprised of a mixture of excreta, feather, feed and bedding material. M. Ahaduzzaman, L....

FAO published a report on animal nutrition strategies

FAO’s publication helps producers use nutrition strategies to reduce the use of antibiotics in their farms. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is an increasing threat to...

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