South Africa poultry imports dip on new tariffs

South Africa’s imports of poultry products have been on the decline since 2019 as the country reviewed its import tariffs upwards and enforced the...

Russia showed a record growth in the turkey industry

Russia showed a record growth in the turkey industry of almost 20 percent in 2020 and became the 4th in the world’s ranking of...

Poultry production in India

Here an insight into poultry production and consumption in India is given. The Poultry industry is one of the fastest growing segments of the...

Bugs have no boundaries: antimicrobial resistance challenges of Australian poultry

This presentation identifies challenges of emerging critically important antimicrobial resistance particularly from “reverse zoonosis” and “migratory birds” in Australia. Introduction Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of...

Mexico, gut health improving feed additive improves yellow skin pigmentation in broilers fed AGP-free...

A Trouw Nutrition research trial conducted in Mexico has shown that a gut health improving additive, (Presan®-FY), containing a synergistic blend of organic acids,...

Prevalence of antimicrobial resistant campylobacter spp. and their resistance genes in chickens in two...

Campylobacter spp. is one of the most frequent causes of foodborne gastroenteritis having zoonotic importance, and the emergence of antimicrobial-resistant (AMR) Campylobacter spp. is...

Pakistan chicken industry

Hassaan Bin Aslam, a veterinarian and microbiologist from Pakistan, is a student at The Pirbright Institute and the Royal Veterinary College whose project explores the structure of...

FEFAC response to farm-to-fork and biodiversity strategies

FEFAC welcomes the EU Commission’s willingness to strengthen food security at both global and EU level and the resilience of EU agriculture and food...

Antimicrobial stewardship. The path to least resistance

Antimicrobial resistance is now accepted as a global public health priority and an important emerging animal health issue. Antimicrobial use contributes to the selection...

Delmarva’s chicken industry grows more slowly than rest of U.S.

Delmarva's chicken industry grew at slower pace in 2019 with respect to the chicken industry did elsewhere in the U.S., new data released by...

Bacteriological study of the eggs of laying hens housed in cage and floor

Eggs from 10 commercial brands were selected in different types of housing: cage and on the floor (free of cage) obtained from 4 supermarket chains to...

Resources and tools to write a good biosecurity plan

Poultry industries in the United States (U.S.) have been in a unique situation after the 2014-2015 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) outbreak. Analysis and...

New Trade Agreement to impact the poultry industry in Africa

The African Union, a continental organization of 55 African countries, has recently launched the operational phase of the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA),...

Bel Ga driven to raise poultry standards in Myanmar

Since the consumption of chicken meat in Myanmar is rising significantly, enterprises such as Bel Ga have been investing in modern hatcheries and farms...

Veterinarians continue to be committed to responsible and judicious use of antimicrobials

The Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE), representing European veterinarians, celebrates European Antibiotic Awareness Day and reiterates the commitment to achieve the One-Health goals...

Introduction of the Kuroiler poultry breed in East Africa

The introduction of the Kuroiler poultry breed from India in East Africa is not only changing fortunes for many farmers in the region, but...

Dynamics and patterns of the egg industry in Latin America

In this paper, an overview will be given on the development of the laying hen inventories and of egg production between 2007 and 2017....

Avian Influenza jolts East Africa poultry trade

Kenya has announced plans to lift the January 2017 ban on poultry and poultry products from its landlocked neighbor, Uganda, where the Avian Influenza...

Eliciting preferences for attributes of Newcastle disease vaccination programmes for village poultry in Ethiopia

Newcastle disease (NCD) is an important disease of poultry, directly affecting the livelihoods of poor farmers across developing countries. Research has identified promising innovations...

Brazil and USA: competition on the global chicken meat market

In 2017, the author published two papers on the dynamics of Brazil´s chicken meat production and trade, using data until 2015. In the meantime,...

Susceptibility of antibiotics used in commercial farms in Peru

Antibiotics are used in treatment of respiratory diseases mainly caused by secondary bacterial infections such as Escherichia coli. The widely use of antibiotics in...

Outlook of Nigeria’s poultry feed market

Nigeria's poultry industry could be headed for improved performance after the government announced measures meant to boost domestic egg and poultry meat production as...

Eggs to fight malnutrition in Nepal, Honduras and Ethiopia

Cobb-Vantress and OneEgg – an organization attacking poverty and malnutrition through sustainable community development – recently launched new chapters in Nepal, Honduras and Ethiopia....

The transition toward low protein diets in the UK

The transition towards low protein diets has been a gradual process of evolution rather than an epiphany moment and the history goes back to...

Animal farming and rural development in Africa

In Africa, investing in rural development, farming and agriculture will offer rural youth an alternative to migration. FAO Director-General highlights the importance of focusing on...

Do vaccination interventions have effects?

A study on how poultry vaccination interventions can change smallholder farmer knowledge, attitudes, and practice in villages in Kenya and Tanzania has been completed...

Poultry production in the Democratic Republic of Congo

On request of Netherlands Enterprise Agency and the Netherlands Embassy in Kinshasa, Wageningen Livestock Research conducted a study on the development of the poultry...

EU-Brazil partnership for sustainable soy

The third meeting since the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding on a Brazil-EU partnership for sustainable soy took place on 21 November 2018...

Sustainable chicken farming in Ethiopia

Village chicken farming is ubiquitous in smallholder systems, contributing to household, local and national economies under diverse environmental, economic and cultural settings. However, they...

Most significant animal health threats in Europe

PROHEALTH, the largest European Commission-funded livestock agriculture research project ended up having identified the most common and costly animal health threats and potential solutions...

Why tunnel ventilation is not a reality in Brazil

Brazil has vastly different poultry production profiles across its different states, each one with different ventilation practices, processes and realities. But one thing remains...


Founded in the late 1950s, Aza International invented the rope transport system, a revolutionary product that helped develop today’s modern livestock husbandry. Aza International...

Multi-strain infection by infectious bronchitis variant viruses in broiler and breeder flocks in Latin...

Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) causes a highly contagious upper-respiratory tract disease in chickens and some strains are nephropathogenic. The virus can also cause significant...

Marek’s Disease Virus concentration in Central Pennsylvania

Marek's disease virus, a herpesvirus that is the causative agent of Marek's disease, is a worldwide economic burden on poultry farming. However, little is...

Successful Hatchery-Breeder management is all in the details

“Successful hatchery and breeder management is all in the details,” remarked Chad Mason, broiler/hatchery manager at Columbia Farms, during USPOULTRY’s 2018 Hatchery-Breeder Clinic, held in...

Aviagen LLC Hatchery Director awarded “Honored worker of agriculture of Russian Federation”

Aviagen® LLC Russia Hatchery Director Anna Matveeva has earned the esteemed title of “Honoured Worker of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.” Signed by President...

The role of poultry vaccination in reducing risk of exposures to the H7N9 Avian...

The nationwide H7N9 Avian Influenza vaccination program launched by the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) of China in September 2017 has had the desired effect,...

Incubated Worlds, a new poultry facility exploring genetic diversity

Incubated Worlds is a new advanced poultry research and breeding facility in Ethiopia. The facility, which has been inaugurated on 26 April, is a...

Two Middle Eastern countries, two-day conferences – two major successes

Over the first five days of April, 2018, Aviagen® conducted two highly successful conferences for Ross® Parent Stock (PS) customers in the Middle East. The...

Portugal’s Grupo Valouro invests for growth with Pas Reform integrated hatchery

Located in Torres Vedras, 50km north of Lisbon, Grupo Valouro is one of the country’s largest poultry producers and employs 2,500 people at its...

A new integrated hatchery project for Kazakhstan’s Makinskaya

Kazakhstan’s Makinskaya Poultry Farm is expanding with a major new greenfield hatchery equipped with SmartPro™ integrated poultry solutions from Pas Reform. The technologically advanced...

Erpiliç installs advanced turkey hatchery to meet growing demand

Leading Turkish poultry producer Erpiliç is investing in a new, state-of-the-art turkey hatchery from Pas Reform, to meet growing demand for turkey meat. Based in...

Biotica innovation drive for Canadian market

New specialty market approval, scientific forum discussion and broadened adoption are all rapidly taking shape for the Nuscience elite level feed technology platform in...

Reducing production costs and securing profitability, the challenges for European farmers

The April 2018 “Chart of the Month” published by DLG-Agrifuture Insights, the German Agriculture Society’s knowledge brand and platform for international trend analysis in...

Pas Reform solutions for Novos Horizontes in Mozambique

Mozambique-based Novos Horizontes and their new partner Philafrica, have chosen Pas Reform Hatchery Technologies to equip their new, state-of-the-art greenfield facility with a combination...

Shandong Fengxiang and Dalian Chengsan

Chinese customers visit Cobb office in Shanghai One of the largest integrated companies in China, Shandong Fengxiang, located at Yanggu in Shandong province, places about...

Crop stress in Argentina

Lack of rain on the Pampas in Argentina this year lowered estimates for the Argentine harvest of corn and soybeans. With that notable exception,...

The European Protein Plan: considerations and prospects

Phil Hogan to launch a market report and the stakeholder survey linked to the European Protein Plan, first announced at the XXVIII FEFAC Congress...

Belgium meets Brazil, Aviagen EPI and Belgabroed visit to Aviagen Latin America

Building customer relationships and sharing knowledge on a global and local scale is an Aviagen® core principle, and recently a visit of industry professionals...

Aviagen celebrates latest Ross Club Member from Northern Cypress

Aviagen Anadolu’s Ross® 400 and 140 Clubs welcomed their latest member: Kırnı Piliçleri. Founded by Mustafa Hacı Ali (shown seated in photo), Kırnı Piliçleri...

Cobb and RCL Foods delivering top level training in South Africa

Plans to develop RCL Foods’ own Agriculture Academy in South Africa were announced by Dr Sanjay Maharaj, the company’s technical executive for agriculture, at...

Modest growth, environmental progress emerge in annual chicken industry data

Delmarva's meat chicken industry processed 4.2 billion pounds of Delmarva-raised chickens in 2017, resulting in a wholesale value of $3.4 billion, according to new...

Health and industry issues facing the US turkey industry

In preparation for this report to the USAHA Committee on Poultry & Other Avian Species, the subcommittee chairman, Dr. Clark, surveyed turkey industry professionals...

MEA Meeting in Brazil

MEA Meeting: “Order and progress,” the slogan displayed prominently on the Brazilian flag, was also befitting for the Ross® Middle East and Africa Association MEA. The...

PF Kekava joins Ross 400 Club

PF Kekava, Latvia, a leading poultry company in the Baltic States, is the latest member to join the prestigious Aviagen® Kft Ross® 400 Club. The company has...

Update on Waters of the US (WOTUS) Regulatory Policy

A quick search on the internet reveals the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed roughly 2,800 new regulations since 2009 when the current administration...

House of Raeford’s affiliate Columbia Farms: leading the way in the USA

In the USA, House of Raeford’s affiliate Columbia Farms was first to adopt SmartCare™, with a Lifetime Services contract to support its state-of-the-art SmartPro™...

Poultry Business Forum in Serbia

Aviagen® Kft demonstrated its commitment to the Serbian poultry industry at the recent Poultry Business Forum. More than 180 guests from various parts of the...

Ovoset Pro: A gentle workhorse

Tony Norris and his wife Susan started Norris Farms, a broiler breeder egg farm, 12 years ago near Swansea, South Carolina. Norris Farms consists...

The USA on their way to cage-free egg production

The Red River Valley Egg Farm in Bogata, Texas The cage-free discussion in retrospect The discussion about abandoning conventional cages in laying hen husbandry gained in...

Revolutionary layer farm Kipster officially opened

Hendrix Genetics has recently been partner in the realisation of the innovative layer farms Kipster, which will produce and sell eggs to Lidl, one...

Full house for Platinum Brooding Program

Dr. Stewart Ritchie and his team recently presented the popular Platinum Brooding® Program in Cambridge, Ontario. The extremely well received program is based on the...

Best practices to optimize quality across the poultry production chain

Ross DCFTs Work “Hand-in-Hand” at 12th Annual Gathering. Sharpening competitive edge for distributors through quality customer support for better poultry production. Ross Distributor Customer Focus Teams (DCFTs)...

A new hatchery in Sri Lanka with Pas Reform SmartPro™

New Anthoneys Group, one of Sri Lanka’s leading poultry producers, is embarking on a major new programme of hatchery expansion that will see the...

Dirk Mertens tests the Natural Beak Smoothing pans by Roxell

Beak treatment is often used as the solution of choice to reduce damage caused by pecking. Due to the growing interest in animal welfare,...

A New Era of Veterinary Oversight: An Update

In June of 2015 The Food and Drug Administration announced their final rule on Veterinary Feed Directives. This rule is intended to improve how...

Poland – Growing importance of egg exports

About ten years after the collapse of the USSR and COMECON and the implementation of a new political and economic system a new phase...

Sedima – A modern greenfield project with a high level of automation in Senegal

With its large integrated poultry enterprise, the long established Senegalese company Sedima is well-known for its modern and ambitious approach to the business. It...

Development of poultry production in sub-Saharan Africa

Countries in sub-Saharan (SSA) Africa have experienced relatively high economic growth from the mid-2000s, along with a rapid urbanization. This has led to the...

Challenges to free-range poultry in low rainfall regions

Free-range poultry production in Australia has increased in market share and continues to grow. New poultry farms are being established to meet increased demand, but...

Brazil welcomes 85 million Petersime Easter chicks

During the Easter week, the first eggs were set in the new Petersime hatchery of Lar Cooperativa Agroindustrial in Brazil. It marks the official...

Modern poultry industry is taking shape in Africa

Africa is ready to take its place on the world stage, as the poultry industry is evolving, from a national and regional basis to a more global platform, according to RaboResearch’s latest report ‘Time for Africa: capturing the African Poultry Investment Opportunity’.

Spain’s Uvesa adopts Smart™ innovations from Pas Reform for its new greenfield broiler hatchery

Uvesa’s greenfield broiler hatchery is an important and strategic installation that demonstrates Pas Reform’s comprehensive ability to deliver total hatchery solutions.

Sustainable egg production

Vencomatic Group Rondeel is a solution for layer farming able to meet all requirements.

VDL AGROTECH launches Windstreek

Last year the Dutch government awarded the design which made it possible for farmer Robert Nijkamp to realize the first Windstreek broiler house and the first flock was set-up.

Poultry feed production and issues in Turkey

The Turkish poultry sector is rapidly expanding with a constant increase in request of feed and feed additives.

Master Good Group chooses CODAF systems

Master Good Group of Hungary chose CODAF’s poultry automatic feeding systems.

The poultry sector in Kenya

The poultry industry in Kenya is constantly expanding with a high demand for chicken meat and eggs.

Broiler lameness in the United States

Lameness in broilers can result from both infectious and non-infectious sources. Some of the non-infectious sources maybe the result of genetic selection for fast growth and techniques such as reduced photoperiod can be effective in reducing the problem.

The threat from African & Middle Eastern Infectious Bronchitis viruses

Infectious Bronchitis is primarily a respiratory disease of chickens caused by the Type Three coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus. IB viruses cause important losses in egg...

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